

总的来说,新的选举为议会带来了 185 名众议员和 86 名参议员:比以前的立法机构要少,而在以前的立法机构中,妇女占议员总数的不到三分之一。


18 年 1948 月 70 日,第一次大选在共和的意大利举行。 Well, XNUMX years later, equal representation between men and women among those elected to Parliament is still a long way off.

第一届立法机构中的女性很少:总共 49 人,占 5%。 It took almost 30 years and 7 legislatures for the threshold of 1976 elected to be exceeded in 50 and another 30 years to have more than 2006 women in Parliament in 150.

Only with the legislature that has just ended did the female structure of the Chamber and Senate reach 30,1% of the total number of elected representatives. 详细情况:198 名众议员和 86 名参议员。

现在将有 185 名众议员和 86 名参议员出席第十五届立法机构的首次亮相。 因此,女议员的人数在参议院中持平,但在参议院中略低。 尽管 Rosatellum bis 提供了一项平衡两性候选人的条款,但这仍然存在。
