
Government, tightened on 5 subsidiaries: the redundancy map within 6 months

The Council of Ministers has given the green light to the reform of investee companies, which will cancel at least 5.000 municipal companies in the first instance - Reconnaissance of the redundancies within six months - The decision on the dismissal of public managers has been postponed instead - Ok to the Cohesion Fund: 25 billion for South and transport.

The Council of Ministers has given the green light to important economic measures, including the reform of the subsidiaries, which reaches the goal of definitive adoption without substantial changes to the parameters written to divide the public companies that can continue to operate from those destined instead for closure, privatization or aggregation. The "share-participates" therefore dominates the specific weight of the Government's measures, with the aim of canceling in the first instance at least 5 local participations, i.e. the former municipal companies: the text practically asks the owner bodies (primarily the Municipalities) to write a rationalization plan within six months, mandatory providing for the abandonment of shareholdings in companies that do not meet a double plan of requirements.

MUNICIPALIZED RATIONALIZATION – The main requirement for continuing the activity is, for example, that of the areas of activity themselves: public administrations can only be members of spas, srls (also in cooperative form, as specified in the last text) and consortium companies that produce services of interest general, including the construction of networks and plants, public works, capital goods or support activities for non-profit organizations. The rationalization plan, to be adopted within six months to avoid incurring an administrative fine of up to 500 thousand euros, has no choice, but must limit itself to census the subsidiaries that must be closed, privatized or aggregated within a year to exceed the minimum parameters of turnover and organic. Within six months, even public companies "in compliance" with the new parameters will have to carry out one extraordinary review of personnel to identify redundancies.

PA EXECUTIVES - On the other hand, the reform of the PA executives did not arrive on the CDM table, still at the center of discussions within the government and the high ministerial bureaucracy, especially after the text had lost the safeguard clause from dismissal for directors generals. The postponement also brings with it the other decrees at first reading, on chambers of commerce and research bodies: we will talk about it again on August 25th.

PUBLIC WORKS - The government has also clarified the cohesion funds (FSC) 2014-2020, not only by assigning the 13,4 billion euros to the Pacts for the South but also by approving the breakdown by "thematic areas" of all the 15 billion that remained to be assigned , with the lion's share assigned to transport infrastructure (11,5 billion) and the environment (2 billion). In the end, the Cipe therefore decided to distribute all the FSC funds, even if the "operational plans" on the individual thematic areas, with works and times, will arrive only in the next few months (the FSC funds have most of the "cash", the actual expenditure, moved to the end of the 2015-2023 period).

11,5 billion will go to infrastructure (roads 6 billion, railways 2,1, subways 1,5, safety of "interconnected" regional railways 300 million, public transport vehicles 1 billion), two billion to the Environment, 1,4 to the Ministry of Development, 400 million for agriculture. Resources arriving for the Turin metro, Line 2 of Milan, the Bologna ring road, the Naples-Bari AV, the Third Pass of Genoa.
