
Dijsselbloem attacks the banks

The rules on the bail-in must be respected by everyone, including Italy, and the EU has no intention of retracing its steps - The president of the Eurogroup intervenes in the debate on Italian banks and credit titles slow down on Piazza Affari

Dijsselbloem attacks the banks

The president of the Eurogroup, Jeroen Dijsselbloem intervened in the debate on Italian banks, inviting them to respect the new European rules on the bail in, the mechanism which provides for the involvement of private individuals (shareholders, holders of subordinated bonds, unsecured creditors and, ultimately , holders of deposits with an amount exceeding 100 thousand euros) in the rescue of banking institutions, which entered into force on 1 January 2016.

"Until January XNUMXst, it was possible to support the banks with money from taxpayers - said Dijsselbloem in The Hague, answering a question from a journalist of the Dutch public television station Nos - but now this possibility has been limited and we don't want to go back".

Words that leave no room for doubt which were followed by a clear reference to Italy: “Other countries managed to restructure their banks with public transport and the Italians didn't do it then – commented the number one of the Eurogroup -, but now we have stricter rules”.

Statements that slowed down the run of credit instruments on Piazza Affari, particularly affecting the shares of Monte dei Paschi which, on the day of the extraordinary board meeting in which the 10 billion plan for non-performing loans will be discussed, surrenders 2,28%. Bper (-3,48%) and Banco Popolare (-2,8%) are also bad.
