
Mediobanca R&S yearbook on large-scale distribution in Italy: the decline of French groups

THE MEDIOBANCA R&S YEARBOOK outlines the picture of large-scale retail trade in Italy between 2007 and 2011 – A sector in stagnation in the last year, with a slight growth in turnover of 0,3% – A sharp decline in the large French groups.

Mediobanca R&S yearbook on large-scale distribution in Italy: the decline of French groups

The R&D Yearbook, drawn up by the Mediobanca study centre, photographs, among other things, the situation of large-scale retail trade (GDO) in Italy between 2007 and 2011, a sector that appeared to stagnate in 2011, with a very slight increase in turnover of 0,3% (to 31,2 billion euros), despite the opening of new stores, and a 1,3% reduction in staff .

This market has given strong signals of saturation, with a downward trajectory that began in 2007 and which still seems far from stopping. The large French groups, such as Auchan and above all Carrefour, were down sharply, while, in the period considered, there was strong expansion, in terms of turnover, of Esselunga (+20,2%) and Coop.

Attached is the summary of the Mediobanca report on large-scale retail trade 2007-2011

Attachments: GDO Note 2007-2011.pdf
