
Grillo as Forrest Gump: proposal of the Directory to 5

The leader of the 5 Star Movement says he is "a bit tired" and proposes to the activists a representative group made up of five already selected MPs. Voting on his blog by 19pm.

Grillo as Forrest Gump: proposal of the Directory to 5

“I'm a little tired, as Forrest Gump would say”. The joke is from Beppe Grillo and opens up many possible novelties within the Movement 5 Stars. At 10,50 today the pentastellato leader published a post on his blog in which he expresses the need "for a wider representation structure than the current one" for the Movement. A decision that has the flavor of a small revolution within the movement launched by the former Genoese comedian.

Cricket does not limit itself to this declaration but also proposes five names which should compose a sort of operational group with the aim of representing a wider point of reference of the M5S on the territory and in Parliament.

These are the parliamentarians Alessandro Di Battista, Luigi Di Maio, Roberto Fico, Carla Ruocco and Carlo Sibilia. In his post, Beppe Grillo asks all members of the 5 Star Movement to exercise their preference by answering the following question: "Do you agree with the decision to form a wider representation structure than the current one?".

All activists registered with the 5 Star Movement will be able to express their preference on Grillo's blog by 19 pm today.
