
CONGIUNTURA REF - Employment growing with the Jobs Act

CONGIUNTURA REF – With the economic recovery, employment growth continued in 2015 thanks to the effects of the Jobs Act and the tax relief granted to companies for new hires and transformations of permanent contracts. The trend could slow down in 2016 with the end of the incentives

With the strengthening of the Italian economy, a trend towards growth in employment continues hand in hand in the current year, thanks also to the innovations introduced by the new labor reform, also known as Jobs Act. It detects it Conjuncture Ref which, in the first analysis of the month of October, carries out a broad focus on the situation of the labor market.

The analysis shows that in the summer months the number of workers in the Redundancy Fund decreased and that the growth in the number of employed people also began to erode the stock of unemployed workers. “The growth in employment – ​​reads the report – could in part reflect a reduction in the average hours worked by each employee, thus highlighting a high propensity to introduce new employees into the production process”.

Based on the various sources of information, there is an appeal to the permanent contract greater than in the past. The permanent employment Jobs Act they have increased significantly in recent months, as have the transformations from fixed-term to permanent contracts. In this sense, the role of the contribution relief on new hires foreseen with the Jobs Act. But these reliefs for employers are limited only to the current year and in the analysis of Congiuntura Ref there is the risk that the trend towards an increase in the demand for labor could abruptly stop at the beginning of 2016 .

For an in-depth reading of the economic trend analysis Ref we refer you to the Pdf file at the bottom of the article.

Attachments: Congiuntura Ref 1st October.pdf
