In September 2024, Italian companies expect 538 hires, an increase of 1,3% compared to the previous year. The services and tourism sectors drive growth, while industry and small businesses face difficulties. Increased demand for workers…
After the pause due to the pandemic, youth emigration in Italy is growing again. Between 2022 and 2023, over 100.000 young people left the country, with serious consequences for demography and the economy. Lombardy and Veneto are the most…
In the five-year period 2024-2028, Italian companies will require up to 3,9 million new workers. Lombardy will lead the demand, with the PNRR that could create 970.000 jobs. 37-38% of the need will require tertiary training and 47-48%…
The amount of the Fed's cut will depend on the US jobs data released today. Banks fear a faster-than-expected easing of monetary policy. Russia's decision on Raiffeisen weighs on the entire sector
Key US labor market data day has arrived, which could determine the size and speed of the Fed's next rate cuts. Markets are waiting, trending lower. In Europe, eyes are on the very weak manufacturing data…
Intesa Sanpaolo launches 15 new classes of the "Giovani e Lavoro" program, offering free courses to unemployed young people between the ages of 18 and 29. Since 2019, the program has trained over 4.500 participants with a hiring rate of over 80%
New episode of Lavoro&Pensioni - politically (in)correct, Giuliano Cazzola's weekly column: in the face of belated intentions to reactivate the birth rate chain and in the face of policies that over the years have sacrificed the resources necessary to… on the altar of pensions…
From the Jackson Hole symposium Jerome Powers confirms: "the upside risks to inflation have decreased, while the downside risks to employment have increased. The time has come to cut rates." Stocks rising sharply
In August, Italian companies expect 315 thousand hirings, with an increase of 7,5% compared to 2023. But 48,9% of companies still report difficulties in finding the required profiles
In Italy, the population will decline by 6 million by 2070, with an increase in public spending on pensions, healthcare and assistance. The reduction of the workforce will slow down GDP growth. Intesa Sanpaolo warns: forecasts may be too much…
With the new project, the business association aims to increase employee involvement and their job satisfaction. Stefano Passerini, director of Assolombarda's Work, Welfare and Human Capital sector, talks about it.
Compared to other European Union countries, Italy has the advantage of having already grouped entities and funds, which have now all been merged into INPS. In France, but also in other countries, resistance to preferential treatments and the effects on public finances persist...
The government is grappling with a decree that does not satisfy the trade unions. The relationship between climate and working conditions. One thousand deaths in 2023
A select committee has been set up at the House Labor Committee to discuss the reduction of weekly working hours to 34 or 32 hours for the same salary
Generation Z is more anxious and more prone to depression, but has had easier access to work and better wages
Supplementary pension provision has taken on the characteristics of an investment rather than the value of pension savings. The challenge with severance pay in the company
While the rest of the world is reducing the working week, Greece appears to be going in the opposite direction to boost productivity and economic growth. But at what cost?
A maxi-tax deduction for companies and professionals who hire on a permanent basis, with the possibility of reaching 130% if the new hires fall into the so-called fragile categories. Here are the details
From today, Palermo remembers one of the greatest post-war intellectuals with a conference, one hundred years after his birth. Sociologist, educator, poet, writer and organizer of his famous marches against the mafia and for the right to work
Fourth and final note from the North East Foundation on the effects of demographic ice age on the economy and labor market of the regions of Northern Italy
Once the final exams have been completed, young people will have to choose university courses of study. Businesses are looking for more than 768.000 graduates, but many sectors suffer from a lack of qualified candidates. Every second profile is missing. Here are the most requested degrees…
Retired at 70? Here is the truth behind the INPS simulator and the alarming predictions on late retirement for 30-year-olds. The real requirements for retirement and future prospects
At a territorial level, the South shows a positive dynamic, driven above all by construction and trade, while the North East suffers a decline especially in the manufacturing sector. There remains a challenge in finding suitable profiles, especially in technical and highly…
Faced with the increase in employment, which also grew in Italy by 84 thousand units in April, the secretary of the CGIL Landini always objects that Italian wages are the lowest: it's true but who is it for if not...
Bank of Italy, the final considerations of Governor Panetta: "The Italian economy suffers from serious problems but we are not condemned to stagnation". The unavoidable themes? The "high public debt" which represents a "ballast" and the South. Demography and productivity are the key issues for…
Artificial intelligence will have a heavy impact on the public sector: 57% of employees exposed, 218 thousand at risk of replacement. Dangers and opportunities for the future of work in the PA
In addition to the 110% Superbonus, all the reckless concessions of the Conte governments come to the fore for the public accounts. To govern social security spending, a plurality of interventions is needed capable of forgetting the rear-view mirror and looking at the new generations.…
The recent "Cohesion" Decree-Law introduces new measures to promote youth and female employment, subject to possible changes during its conversion into law by 6 July. Here's the news
The unions are asking for a new meeting with the Government after the discussion opened on February 22nd: "There was no follow-up to the first discussions nor were measures adopted capable of relaunching production"
Alfredo Recanatesi responds to Giuliano Cazzola on the real reasons for the reduction in net wages in Italy and places productivity at the center of all issues, calling unions and businesses into question
The extension of life is the biggest revolution of the last two centuries but, as Martin Wolf also writes on Ft, it calls into question the sustainability of the welfare state. Unless everything changes
According to the Bulletin of the Excelsior information system of Unioncamere and Anpal, the mismatch between job supply and demand remains high: 48,2% of the professional profiles sought are difficult to find
Deaths at work do not bring peace to the country. Who controls the sanctions that aren't there
Tax cuts in the South have helped businesses after the pandemic. However, the share of involuntary part-time workers has increased
The Paris-based body sees good prospects for Italy in terms of inflation and the job market. Overall he sees cautious optimism globally with growth forecasts
A branch of Parliament approved the "omnibus law", after months of negotiations and corrections. Now all that remains is the Senate's approval. The text reforms the labor market, taxes, privatizations, pensions and the "super powers" of the Executive. The president rejoices "We will break the status…
May Day 2024 is celebrated in a complex context for work in Italy. Between wars, globalization, artificial intelligence and green transition, the union is called to reflect on its role and find new strategies to protect…
May 1886st is celebrated around the world as Labor Day. But where does this tradition come from? From the events of XNUMX to its worldwide spread. Here is the story of the day that celebrates workers
Green light from the Council of Ministers to the decree reforming cohesion policies and yes to the revision of the Irpef-Ires regime. 100 euro bonus: it will no longer arrive with the thirteenth but will be postponed to 2025, here's why. Hiring bonus for young people,…
On the eve of Labor Day, the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella gave a speech in Calabria: "Deaths at work are unacceptable". Alarm on gangmastering
In the meeting with the unions held at Palazzo Chigi, the Government presented a work package, included in the Cohesion decree. Today the council of ministers
Within twenty years in Italy there will be 2 million more new pensioners compared to 6 million fewer people of working age
All the texts of the referendums promoted by the CGIL reflect an ideological vision of the world of work and have a good chance of ending in a Pyrrhic victory
According to the latest note from the North East Foundation, the demographic ice age will reduce the number of people of working age by 3,2 million by 2040 and the number of workers by 2,4 million. This translates into dramatic shortages of workers in large regions…
The Suviana tragedy and not just the need to review workplace safety regulations. The referendum is a sign of weakness.
From April 1st the smart working rules will change again with a step backwards for both public and private workers
This issue begins with "Lavoro & Pensioni - Politically (in)correct", the new weekly column by Giuliano Cazzola, which will be published every Monday. In this speech, Cazzola explains why the CGIL initiative, often with the support of Uil, is increasingly less…
From tomorrow every week and every Monday the new column by Giuliano Cazzola, one of the greatest Italian labor law experts, on work and pensions, read and interpreted without ideological prejudices but in a non-conformist and sometimes uncomfortable way
39 years ago, at the end of a lesson at the faculty of economics, the economist Ezio Tarantelli was killed by machine gun fire. His fault was that of having participated in the agreements on the cutting of the escalator shots
Here is the news regarding the recent law decree on workplace protection and safety issued following the fatal accidents at the Esselunga construction site in Florence
Biagi was a civil labor lawyer who was very committed and ready to put his face on the innovations he proposed. His cultural legacy remains an ever-present heritage
According to Unioncamere's analysis, tourism represents the main source of job opportunities. There is always a shortage of specialized workers and technicians. It is the North-East that struggles the most to find profiles
Between now and 2028, the Italian job market will need 3,1-3,6 million public and private employees - Stem professionals are being sought, but not only that. In 2023 the mismatch cost 43,9 billion
Less bureaucracy for those who start their own business, but those looking for work don't like bureaucracy either. Data from a Forema survey
Only 10% of businesses use AI. The obstacle of digital skills: necessary for the most sought-after jobs but in almost half of cases they are difficult to find. Anpal-Unioncamere analysis
From 1 October it will be mandatory to have a points-based driving license to work on construction sites. Points are lost for each violation. Controls increase and the crime of illicit administration returns
Work and Jobs Act: the ruling of the Council establishes that the causes of nullity of the dismissal are not only those provided "expressly", thus opening up new spaces for the discretion of the judge
The fourth edition of the event organized by the Polytechnic of Milan will take place on 22 and 23 February. On stage there will be 100 of the best talents who will compete with managers of large companies
Berlin hopes that by reducing working hours it can make workers more productive, especially in a time when there is a labor shortage
In 2023 the AI market, dominated by large companies, reached a value of 760 million euros. All Italians know about AI but almost three out of four people are afraid of it. In the next ten years, with the demographic gap…
After the first month at 80% introduced in 2023, a second month arrives, again at 80%, dedicated to parents who finish their compulsory leave this year: here are all the details
Automotive, household appliances and steel are the sectors most affected. Shortages and costs of raw materials and energy continue to weigh heavily
The companies that have signed up to the national contract have gone from 75% to 87% but the application of the second level is practically stuck at 4 percent. Fadda: "Minimum wage by law does not replace collective bargaining"
The ruling of the Constitutional Court after the censure of the Court of Appeal of Naples. "The compensation protection is not inadequate"
Federalberghi's proposal: replace the tax and assign to the Municipalities a share of the VAT revenue produced by all tourist activities. "Because those who stay overnight in accommodation facilities already contribute significantly to covering the Tari"
The complete list of awarded companies. The standards for obtaining certification. A ranking is not published and there is no rating but a "status" is achieved
The survey: for Italian industrial and service companies with at least 50 employees, assessments of the general economic situation and expectations on operating conditions remain overall unfavorable
THE CLOCKS OF THE ECONOMY OF JANUARY 2024 – What are the geopolitical risks that threaten a year of modest growth? What factors will anticipate or delay the decline in rates? Is the soft landing of the American economy confirmed? What is behind the stability of employment and…
In Italy, labor productivity is stagnant, with economic growth lower than other European countries. For the Bank of Italy, investments are the decisive lever to provide a shake-up, particularly in intangible assets
In 2024, will the forces of economic growth or those of recession prevail and will the danger of inflation be definitively averted? Tomorrow on FIRSTonline the answers from the Lancette dell'economia by Fabrizio Galimberti and Luca Paolazzi
The data and comparison with 2004. But the cyclical growth of the inactive could anticipate the economic slowdown
The aviation sector, driven by China, India and Africa, is poised for exponential growth. Boeing and Airbus plan to build more than 80 thousand new planes by 2042 and with them. An expansion that will generate a growing…
The personal services sector drives demand, while tourism and manufacturing show negative trends. The difficulty of finding rises to 49,2%
The group ended the year with over 751 thousand vehicles. Much of the growth is thanks to the Pomigliano (+30%) and Atessa factories. The entire Turin hub is suffering: -9,3 percent
There is also news on productivity bonuses, fringe benefits and relief for working mothers with children: there are various work-related issues touched by the 2024 budget law. Here are all the details
The world of work in 2024 presents many unknowns, linked to a still unstable macroeconomic and geopolitical context. Significant changes are expected in the workplace. Here are some trends that will characterize the year
A total of 61.905 employees were laid off. Numbers comparable to those of the 2007-2008 financial crisis. Wall Street investment banks alone have cut 30 bankers. The biggest cuts come from Wells Fargo and Credit Suisse. And next year too...
More than a third of Italian workers have been victims of burnout in the last year. 87% want greater flexibility to better balance life and work. Adecco's study on Italian employees
From Monday 18 December it will be possible to submit an application to INPS to receive the inclusion allowance, the subsidy which from 1 January will replace the citizen's income. Here are all the details
According to the Inapp report, real wages in Italy grew by only 1% from 1991 to 2022, unlike OECD countries, which recorded an increase of 32,5%.
The relaunch of luxury and the new data on American employment, higher than expected, have given fresh air to share prices on both sides of the Atlantic
Compared to last year, the Bulletin of the Excelsior information system of Unioncamere and Anpal speaks of an increase of 7% - 1,3 million hirings in the December-February quarter
Lamborghini-union agreement on the company supplementary contract. The week will be restructured according to the work shifts of all employees, including workers. The Performance Bonus increases, an extraordinary bonus has also been agreed for the 60th anniversary of the car manufacturer
Two amendments extending smart working for parents of children under 14 in the private sector have been approved in the Senate with the government's approval. The rules on fragile and super fragile workers have been rejected
Employment is at record levels, but with a very high mismatch rate that puts companies in difficulty: in 45% of cases companies do not find the staff they are looking for, a percentage that rises to 65% for ITS Academy diplomas.…
Candidates and skills are not aligned with today's changing world of work that requires new skills. Here are the Inapp solutions
Two years after the start of the new out-of-court procedure for the recovery of companies in financial difficulty, a total of 1.037 applications have been submitted to the Chambers of Commerce. 502 procedures were closed, 96 of which were positive. Here are the data from Unioncamere on…
250 hires by June 2024, a new agreement for the competitiveness bonus of up to 17 thousand euros with the unions, a widespread share ownership plan and a strengthening of the welfare program. Here's everything you need to know
Marco Bentivogli's new book "Fire the bosses. How the bosses ruined the work", published by Rizzoli, comes out in bookstores today. By kind permission of the author we publish excerpts from the introduction
In 2022, over 37% of Italian workers are aged between 50 and 64. And for entrepreneurs this is seen as a disadvantage due to some related critical issues. The collaboration between Inapp and PCM has started…
The job market will undergo strong changes in Italy in the next ten years too. Demands for workers with technical and highly qualified skills will increase while they will decrease for lower-qualified professional groups. The role of AI and the importance…
This is a code of ethics for companies, promoted by the Ministry of Family, Birth and Equal Opportunities, with the aim of encouraging motherhood, without penalizing working mothers.
According to research by the Smart Working Observatory of the School of Management of the Polytechnic University of Milan, in 2023 there will be 3,585 million people working remotely. Big companies boom, PA drops - Effects on the environment but also on the real estate market
A complex dispute that lasted three years comes to an end. The Naples plant is the protagonist of a sustainable industrial reconversion
Turnover fell by 8%, but net profit rose by 123 million crowns. Numbers that also hide the cuts in staff and expenses already made
The CNEL gave Prime Minister Meloni the document that rejects the minimum wage by law. Mattarella's unions and experts are divided. Now it's back to Parliament
According to the Ministry of Labour, with reference to the trade union rights of temporary workers, the CCNL of the temporary agency should be applied, integrated with the provisions of that of the user company
According to the analysis by Unioncamere numbers, work is starting to feel the slowdown of the global and European economy - And for 51% of companies it is difficult to find staff
It is possible to manage all domestic work obligations via the INPS Mobile App: here's how to use the new service
The ruling can be defined as "subversive" in the sense that it repudiates consolidated jurisprudence