
Meloni, Giorgia's deceptive autarchic populism

The latest book by Giorgia Meloni, leader of the Brothers of Italy, presents a completely distorted vision of reality, seasoned with wise historical omissions to make ends meet with an autarkic and demagogically anti-European conception. Between conspiracies and contradictions, pay attention to the simple but deceptive recipes that she proposes

Meloni, Giorgia's deceptive autarchic populism

In the beginning we had a comedian who let out a loud "fuck" at the whole system. Once populism arrived in government, it had to acknowledge that all the things it was preaching were nonsense that was not practicable. And it is dissolving. Or changing to a kind of dorotheism 4.0 . Then there was Captain Salvini who attempted to change the League from a secessionist party to a nationalist party with accents between populism and racism. He invents one a day, it seems a Zelig of politics. Now she has had to make a moderate turn and even seems to want to join the European popular. It is still a danger for Italy's fate, but it seems less demagogic than a few years ago.

The risk is that it will hit our poor country a third scourge, that of Giorgia Meloni and his Brothers of Italy. Polls give her 20%, levels that none of her predecessors had ever imagined reaching. It remained the only party in the opposition of the Draghi government, and it did not follow its companion Salvini in the embrace of the 5 Stars in Conte 1. Partly for this reason Meloni has become a darling of the TV Talks. She knows how to do it: she has a loose and punctual gab, a broad and at the same time understandable vocabulary. She has an image that pops the screen: blonde with two eyes that are two lighthouses. She now tries to strengthen her public image with a book in which she tells her story, her roots and her ideas. "I'm Giorgia" published by Rizzoli has recently reached bookstores.

It is an operation aimed at arousing sympathy towards the person. His life is almost a fairy tale. She didn't have a father, she doesn't have a very happy physical appearance so she had to defend herself from the fierce teasing of the other children. These difficulties developed her will to assert herself, to show everyone what she was worth. And in fact today it cannot be denied that she is a successful woman who has forged ahead and that at just over forty she can afford to openly aspire to be the head of government.

But be careful. Before getting carried away by the sympathy it can arouse a young woman with an iron will, it would be good if the Italians understood the basic ideas of Giorgia and her party. They may not have to read the book, but it's good reflect on the real drives which, however cleverly disguised, move her and her party.

Fundamental is patriotism which in itself can be a positive element, but which, if it becomes a nationalist obsession and if we proclaim at every step the need to defend ourselves from powerful external enemies and their internal fifth pillars, who plot in the shadows to plunder us of our possessions and to enslave us, then we run the risk of closing ourselves in a dangerous autarchy, origin of perennial conflicts with both political and economic neighbors.

Giorgia then enrolled in the MSI to find a family, to stay in a minority and then marginalized community, which was looking for the sense of its individuality in the deep roots of the community identity. It is here that Giorgia is formed the idea of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbthe need to defend our identity through patriotism. It is from those youthful years that he starts a distorted view of “reality” made up of alternative readings of the history and functioning of social and economic systems. And when you just can't help but see things in their right direction, then you resort to wise omissions to bring the reasoning back.

It is striking, for example, that Giorgia mentions only the fascists beaten or killed by the communists, without mentioning that, especially in Rome and in the South, there were gangs of fascist "beaters" who didn't sit idly by. But this is a venial sin compared to what he says about Europe, immigration and the economy.

Europe is run by bureaucrats who are blind and deaf to the needs of the people, and at the same time it is dominated byFranco-German axis that wants to reduce other states to mere colonies, to satellites revolving around the sun. From a historical point of view, I found it extravagant to accuse us Westerners of having abandoned the countries of the East into the clutches of communism for "our convenience". What were we supposed to do? Continue the war against the USSR, perhaps by allying ourselves with the Nazis? Melons regrets the Europe of the Middle Ages, Christian, family-based, setting out to conquer the world. But he does not say that even among them the Christians killed each other without limits. Several times you rail against the European consortia, those who operate against our democracy. In his speech to the Chamber on 10 December during the discussion on the changes to the ESM, all the anti-European demagogy comes out: "Before they blackmailed us using the Spread, now they blackmail us with the money needed to fight COVID". Perhaps Giorgia should apologize to the Italians for having used such expressions in Parliament!

But that's not all. There is always going on a conspiracy against the Italians. The reconstruction made by Meloni della Berlusconi's fall in 2011 it is the example of the conspiracy operated by the French and the Germans through the spread. After so many years, everyone is now convinced that the Italian crisis has been aggravated by the refusal of the League to make some reforms (pensions and local finance) promised by Berlusconi and which would have improved our creditworthiness.

In the end Giorgia does not notice a profound contradiction. Today's Europe is more like a confederation of sovereign states than a federation with a strong central government. And that's why it doesn't work because the states have not ceded powers over immigration, health care, state finances and so on to Brussels. But Meloni is the champion of Confederal Europe, which risks going backwards even with respect to the materials already pooled starting from money.

Giorgia says she wants to "attack the decline" but perhaps she doesn't know that the volume of our foreign trade is about 50% of our GDP and that therefore the fight against globalism and the permanent tension with our neighbors would damage our trade . Autoarchy does not suit Italy. It would mean more poverty and more sacrifices for everyone. The weaker classes and the South would be particularly penalized. Paradoxically, those who are attracted to Meloni and her promises.

The whole book is littered with statements clearly inconsistent with the truth. For example, the defense of the Hungarian and Polish regimes attacked by the EU because they defend their citizens from foreign invasion, without saying that these are regimes that reduce fundamental freedoms such as freedom of the press and the judiciary. It's not little.

Ultimately Giorgia Meloni is a bit of a synthesis of populism and sovereignty. Compared to Grillo and Salvini, you have deeper roots in society as your party is the heir of the MSI and AN. She has elaborated her diversity in years and years of alternative readings to the liberal-democratic ones. Giorgia can therefore fly the tricolor with greater credibility than her other competitors. And against communism which – according to her – is still present in different forms in our societies today. Above all, you can accuse the Democratic Party and the other left-wing forces of being "collaborators" with foreign powers while they, as patriots, are the only ones who defend the interests of the people. As for demagoguery, you have now surpassed the grillini.

Politics can hide nasty surprises. Sometimes citizens, frightened or exasperated, end up relying on forces that seem to have simple recipes for tackling problems, and which promise that they will distribute many benefits without asking people for anything in return. Beware of deceptions to avoid having to regret it when it's too late!

20 thoughts on "Meloni, Giorgia's deceptive autarchic populism"

  1. Did he do something good or is it of the same opinion as PD and 5 stars that Meloni is fascist and dangerous for the democratic stability of the country?
    In any case, I don't see anyone on the other side who can threaten it, the opposition is so weak… The new secretary of the PD (Schlein) is totally inadequate and in my view she doesn't have the qualities to lead the second Italian party as well as the main party opposition, it's really embarrassing, it's lacking on many issues except lgbtq+ rights and fundamentalist environmentalism..... and a demagogic politics typical of the left that is moving towards Conte's grillino populism.

    In fact we have seen the blows that the PD has now taken from the policies of 25 September.

    It must be said that Meloni has also abandoned many of his ideas have changed.

    However, he can sleep peacefully because as long as Schlein is at the helm of the Democratic Party, this is the government's major life insurance policy.

  2. Autarky? conspiracies? Omissions of the fascist massacres ..? Well if it seems "normal" to you that with the billions of movements of people between China and adjacent countries, one of their viruses immediately lands in Italy, killing 20.000 fellow citizens (since the politicians and military have no idea of ​​closing the borders as any commander would do of ship in epidemic danger) then you are the proof that humanity is really degenerating at the simian level… despite nanotechnologies neurons (and synapses) lack!

    1. Here is the typical answer worthy of the ignorant lobotomized people of an indecent right.
      You talk about neurons and synapses that, like the majority of those in the pack you belong to, drink every bullshit that your tavern politicians offer you
      Withdraw and be ashamed

  3. giants appear to us when we are surrounded by dwarfs… but they are always dwarfs! More depth is needed for this country to count for something in the world. I see many dwarfs left and right (if they still exist). This is the real drama

  4. I'm ashamed for her, her closeness comes from the rhododendron inside her. You will have to get used to it, this left that governs without being legitimized by a vote of the Italians will soon go home. She started before the time she suffered, I laugh thinking how she will feel after the next elections. You take some sedatives it will do you good.

      1. as said in rumor you are just parrots. In a cascade you repeat like mouthfuls the verb they have inculcated from above.
        The good thing is that at least parrots are smarter than you!

    1. You'd better wait and laugh here's the typical answer of you ignorant right-handed people. Read one read all…
      Sete so poor in head that you just have to copy and paste the bullshit that the puppeteers who have twisted you are proposing to you
      you are pathetic

  5. Dear pen seller, I would like to mention the famous metaphor: when the cat can't get to the lard it says it is sour and stinky... I leave the moral to you to judge.
    I imagine the mud will come out of her mouth when Meloni is the probable prime minister, if this were to happen, I advise her to expatriate and perhaps go to communist Vietnam so she will realize that her political ideology is completely bogus.

    1. Post corrected in round brackets: I imagine the mud will come out of her mouth when Meloni is the probable president of the council (democratically elected by the sovereign people), if this were to happen, I advise her to expatriate and maybe go to communist Vietnam so she will make herself realize that his political ideology is completely bogus.

    2. I think you have mud on your head. Simpletons and obtuse do you perhaps believe that a meloni voted by a herd of simpletons makes her rise to the role of politician worthy of esteem? haha
      The country in the hands of a sovereign and pro-fascist gang will isolate the country from all European and non-European civilized peoples..
      Then perhaps you will understand your ignorance

