
Energy transition: where does it come from in Italy? What the Symbola Productive Geography Report says

The Report of the Symbola Foundation, which is entitled "Supplies of the future: report on the productive geography of renewables in Italy", photographs a situation in progress and all in all positive. The government makes the hub of renewables, however, says Legambiente

Energy transition: where does it come from in Italy? What the Symbola Productive Geography Report says

The debate on how Italy is progressing on energy transition he rarely dwells on the territorial articulation of the resources and the real actors of this epochal challenge. Although the EU has set precise goals for the coming years, for a country like ours it is important to know who, how and what is committed to change the production structure towards environmental sustainability. We bring with us historical, social and economic differences which in the energy challenge, as in the digital one, cannot be ignored. The work carried out by the Symbola Foundation, chaired by Hermes Realacci, together with the Italian Exhibition Group and in collaboration with the main trade associations, acts as a guide for those who want to understand where we are. The state of the art is in Relationship “Supplies of the future: report on the production geography of renewables in Italy” presented at the K.EY. The Energy Transition Expo in Rimini. It is the first detailed document which, in truth, could also have prepared the governmentmoreover, recently recalled by the EU.

The energy transition at a territorial dimension

Italy with 2,5 GW of photovoltaics is catching up with respect to previous years. There are more than 21 companies that declare activities related to the supply chain renewable. Looking at the territories, almost a third of the companies are concentrated in Lombardy, Lazio and Veneto. “There is a lot to do but we can start from here to face not only our ancient ills but the future and the challenges it poses to us. We can do it within the mission that Europe has given itself with the Next Generation EU, to respond to crises by keeping cohesion, green and digital transition together”, said Realacci. However, international cooperation and peace are also needed. The Report represents a first attempt to identify active and potentially active companies in the energy system. In 2022, investments in renewables reached a record of 495 billions of dollars. Companies invest while experts forecast for the next five years a renewable power equal to that of the last twenty.

Energy transition: where are renewables growing in Italy?

Lombardia, Lazio, Veneto, Campania ed Emilia Romagna together they make up 53,6% of the total companies surveyed by Symbola. At the provincial level, Rome is first (1.735 companies) followed by Milan (1.510), Naples (833), Turin (659) and Brescia (542). In the green production segments, the first places are: Milan Brescia, Vicenza, Padua and Treviso “Focusing on renewables and efficiency – added Realacci – makes the country grow, gives strength to the economy, makes it freer. There is an Italy that excels in many segments of the new sustainable economy and our country gives its best when it crosses its ancient chromosomes, its identity with an all-Italian way of doing economy”. The quid must be sought in the synthesis between innovation and tradition, social cohesion, new technologies and beauty, without losing ties with territories and communities. Obviously we must look to the future also hoping for a political guide more confident in the transition. For now, a good, pragmatic idea of ​​the future is the construction of the largest in Catania gigafactory of Europe for photovoltaic modules (3 GW per year) which will be active from 2024.

Legambiente: "The government builds the hub of renewables"

So, does everything shine in the universe of renewables? For Legambiente in Italy in 2022 renewables - apart from photovoltaics - all recorded a negative sign. “In Italy, the development of renewables continues to be an obstacle course,” said the President of Legambiente, again in Rimini Stephen Ciafani. The numbers of the new show it report “Checkmate to renewables 2023”. The biggest obstacle continues to be the bureaucracy with 1364 plants on the waiting list, i.e. undergoing verification of EIA submission. 76% is distributed between Puglia, Basilicata, Sicily and Sardinia and in one year only 1% of photovoltaic plant projects received authorization. If Symbola has drawn a reassuring picture, Legambiente is directly addressing the Government of Giorgia Meloni. “Let's go back to reiterating that the country must become the hub of renewables – explained Ciafani -. If we really want to fight the climate crisis, accelerate the ecological transition and achieve the decarbonisation objectives indicated by Europe, Italy must firmly focus on renewables, efficiency, self-production, electricity grids and storage". Now that the players in the green transition are known, where they are and what they do, politics can also lend them an extra hand to have better numbers. Especially the government to earn a small green medal.
