
Telecom: 5% is from Blackrock

The stake is held through 16 asset management companies – The stock runs on Piazza Affari: +3,4% to 0,773 euros.

Telecom: 5% is from Blackrock

Blackrock holds 5,039% of Telecom ITalia. This was announced by Consob, according to which the investment is held through 16 asset management companies and is made up of voting rights referable to 3,693% of the capital, a potential share of 0,905% (made up of shares subject to securities lending with the possibility return on a fixed date at the discretion of the borrower and the lender), from other long positions with physical settlement equal to 0,03% and from other long positions with cash settlement equal to 0,41% of the capital.

At this juncture, it should be underlined the excellent performance of the Italian company's stock on the stock market, which ranks among the best blue chips of the day. On the Ftse Mib, Telecom Italia shares rose by 3,4% to 0,773 euros.
