Ferragamo shakes up: CEO Marco Gobbetti will leave on March 6 with a severance package of 4,45 million euros. While waiting for the new CEO, the transition will be led by President Leonardo Ferragamo. The stock price collapses on the stock exchange
European stock markets close mixed, slowing at the end. Wall Street rises, driven by Apple accounts and macro data. At Piazza Affari (+0,12%), Stm recovers, Ferragamo soars thanks to solid revenues, while banks remain under pressure - Follow…
Ferragamo runs over 5% on Piazza Affari thanks to Ubs' upgrade to "Neutral". The company confirms its 2024 forecasts, with possible asset write-downs but without significant financial impacts on its total activities
CEO Marco Gobbetti: "It's a situation that we expect to continue in the last part of the year". Emea loses 11,5%, North America 6,4% but the Far East, the group's reference market, is suffering the most
After Burberry and Swatch, the German fashion house Hugo Boss also takes a step back and cuts its forecasts due to the collapse in global consumer demand, especially in key markets for the luxury sector such as...
Increasingly present in the world of Italian wine, the Italian luxury maison has acquired a new company in the north-eastern part of Montalcino. Borro Wines thus gains another 16,2 hectares of vineyard and enriches its offer with…
The accounts of the Italian luxury fashion house show significant drops in revenues and a sharp drop in net profit (-60%), leading the stock on the stock exchange to record a drop of more than 4%
The two brands, already world leaders in boating, together would create a hub of motor and sailing boats without equal in the world
Net profit of 21 million. Revenues amount to 600 million (-4,8% compared to 2022). Sales down in Asia and North America while growing in the EMEA area
The Fitch effect has canceled the progress of the 2023 T-Bond but the stock exchanges are trying to rebound: keep an eye on the American labor market on which the near future of the Fed's monetary policy depends
Thanks to the services, the economy of the Euro Area is holding up. Well Mercedes, Stellantis still suffers. Saipem advances after the agreement in Australia. Spotlights always on for Banco Bpm
Despite the disappointing accounts, Salvatore Ferragamo looks to the future with "optimism despite geopolitical volatility". Pressure on stock trading at 2% loss
Net profit has risen to 14 million, a strong recovery from the red of 600 thousand euros in the same period of 2021. The brand will allocate 400 million euros in the period 2023-26
After a 2020 burdened by the pandemic, Ferragamo is back in profit and can distribute a dividend again - Last month, after 2 years, the new creative director also arrived
Gobbetti's exit cost Burberry a billion in capitalization. Rain of sales, still today, on Ferragamo. Investors see the change of hands of the two prey groups moving away. Luxury is on the hunt for new business
Le Divelec leaves the scene and leaves the post of CEO to the current managing director of Burberry. He will arrive at the end of the year
The Florentine maison closes 2020 in the red but with a significant leap in retail in 2021. The uncertain economic situation does not allow for the definition of guidance but there are encouraging signs. In the spring, the assembly should revolutionize the board of directors.
The Stock Exchange looks to the online Final Considerations of the Governor of the Bank of Italy, but above all fears the effects of the increasingly serious crisis in Hong Kong - The Government locks down the Italian Stock Exchange and Mts - Btp auction today
Piazza Affari celebrates the Recovery Fund the day after while the Btp-Bund spread falls below 190 - Ferragamo flies for Norsa's homecoming - Pirelli, Fineco, Campari and Moncler also do well
Uncertainty about duties is holding back the markets but in Piazza Affari it is above all a day of realizations after the recent rush - The accounts, however, send Ferragamo flying and Prysmian derailed - Spreads over 160.
The Florentine fashion house at the top of the Ftse Mib after the accounts for the 9 months closed with revenues rising to 994 million - Prysmian collapses: net result below expectations and forecasts for 2018 EBITDA disappointing for analysts
FCA and Poste Italiane keep the FTSE MIB afloat while Ferragamo collapses - Markets await Fed's rate moves
After a hellish morning, Piazza Affari limits the damage (-0,3%) in the wake of the Ferragamo boom and the accounts of Pirelli and A2a - The banks are suffering
Revenues also grew (+4,3%) driven by the excellent performance in the Pacific area. Good Ebitda up - Title at the top of the Ftse Mib
After the Fed's decision not to cut rates, Europe is proceeding at a slow pace. FCA gets off to a bad start in Milan, the banks recover. Raw material sectors are down, Saipem hurts
The Brexit chaos keeps the European price lists at a standstill and the pound on the rise - ENI with Saipem in sight in Piazza Affari, Mediaset in the dark - Ifis rebounds among the banks, Unicredit promoted after the perpetual bond -…
The day after the publication of the 2018 results, Ferragamo is among the best stocks of the Ftse Mib: the profit has decreased, as has the dividend, but the market appreciates the strategy of Le Divelec, which has said it wants to focus on a…
Turnover also drops in the fourth quarter, but turnover grows in the Asia Pacific area thanks to direct Chinese stores - The markets appreciate, share rising in Piazza Affari
The French giant closed 2018 with 10% growth in revenues, to 46,8 billion euros, and net profits up 6,3% to 18 billion - The stock on the Paris Stock Exchange gains over The…
After yesterday's rally, Europe continues to race, confident in an agreement between the USA and China - London is also doing well, awaiting the no-confidence vote on May - Enel and Italgas are shining in Milan, Campari is also doing well and…
Ferragamo's difficult moment continues, with the resignation of Ugo Giorcelli, who arrived at the company only a year ago, and the rejection of Kepler analysts Chevreux and Equita. The Board meets on Thursday 13 December
High volatility day in Piazza Affari - After an initial drop, the spread rises and penalizes the banks - Ferragamo, on which sales rumors return, and FCA, after the coup of the sale of Magneti Marelli to more than 6…
Positive but fluctuating opening for Piazza Affari after Moody's judgment on Italian debt - The Btp-Bund differential has fallen below 300 points - Banks rise at the start but then the recovery is reduced - In…
Wanda Ferragamo, who passed away last Friday at the age of almost 97, was not only the continuation of that genius of her husband Salvatore but was able to make the family brand a brand that stands for quality, style and innovation -…
Wanda Ferragamo died in her villa in Florence at the age of almost 97.
The wind of novelties that is blowing on the sector, with the most important fashion houses in the country that could soon be affected by important innovations - From Ferragamo to Trussardi, passing through Versace, here's what's cooking
The luxury company denies that there are ongoing negotiations but the title runs to Piazza Affari. Among the hypotheses circulating there is also that of possible real estate sales linked to the industrial site in Tuscany and to the…
The wait for the American data on the labor market and the concern for the escalation of the trade war are making European stock markets suffer in the middle of the day. In Piazza Affari the banks are weak and spreads below 250. Enel and Italgas do well,…
The clear decline of Telecom Italia and of the major banks drags down the Ftse Mib and makes the Milan Stock Exchange the worst in Europe - Ferragamo leap forward and Atlantia and Pirelli recover - Wall Street nervous...
The morning was flat on European stock markets, which are waiting on the sidelines in view of the US-China developments on tariffs and the central bank summit in Jackson Hole. Atlantia weak. The pressure on banks returns with Mediobanca leading the declines - Good instead…
Two-speed European lists, in Milan the banks are under pressure with reductions of up to 2%, higher than the Euriostoxx sector index. Savona on the euro shakes the index which then recovers. Ferragamo shines - Oil still on the rise
Another discreet session for the Milan Stock Exchange in the wake of bank shares and Recordati which confirms the negotiations for the sale - Salvatore Ferragamo collapses after the sale of a family stake - Exor is also in trouble,…
Banco Bpm runs after the breakthrough on NPLs, but the prospect of less stringent ECB rules on non-performing loans gives wings to the whole European sector - Recordati shines on the Ftse Mib: CVC intends to acquire a controlling interest…
Ferragamo Finanziaria sold a 3,5% stake through the accelerated building procedure - Stock in free fall in Piazza Affari
The 3-year US T-Bond enters the danger zone by fluctuating around a rate of XNUMX%, which is the psychological threshold beyond which the financial markets and in particular the Stock Exchanges enter into fibrillation - And suddenly…
Pale price lists in Europe but Piazza Affari once again touches the barrier of 24 points. Rates still negative at the Ctz auction. Euro weak and Brent oil above 75 dollars, but Saipem does not benefit from it. Enel plays up Eletropaulo.…
Listed companies are involved in approving the financial statements and the dividend - However, important news also emerged during the shareholders' meetings of Ferragamo, Acea and Yoox - Here's what you need to know.
The first intervention by the Fed president in the US Congress pushes the dollar upwards and has a negative impact on the American and Asian markets: Europe is also in the red, Milan limits the damage - Fight the banks, realize on Campari -…
Piazza Affari is about to close the third consecutive session in the red despite the improvement in the economy - The only positive note is the rebound in utilities
The luxury company has postponed to 2018 the objectives initially set, and not achieved this year - The action in Piazza Affari collapses: -9% at the beginning of the morning.
Another day of general declines on share prices - Except for the Madrid Stock Exchange, all stock exchanges are in the red and Piazza Affari barely defends the trench of 22 basis points - Il Sole and Astaldi collapse and among…
European price lists in negative territory, Piazza Affari slips below 22 points in mid-morning. Even from Wall Street, not very encouraging signals. Selling on emerging currencies after the Venezuelan bankruptcy. Oil falls - Among the banks,…
The tension in Spain does not seem to worry the other European markets, all of which are positive. Ferragamo sells in Piazza Affari and Yoox advances, Exor strengthens, Banco Bpm grows - Contracts with Alibaba and Amazon push Giglio and Centrale del Latte…
After touching its two-year high, oil retraces in the afternoon and drops by 0,7% - The euro and gold are also down - Stock markets are weak: in Piazza Affari, Ferragamo leaps but also Banco Bpm and…
According to the investment bank, it is the digitization of the market that is putting the visibility of the brands and therefore customer loyalty at risk - Judgment on Salvatore Ferragamo confirmed.
The European stock markets are feeling the effects of the single currency which is further strengthening against the dollar and the yen: Milan closes a day in which Ferragamo and Recordati shine in slightly negative territory. Ferrari's rise continues. The tensions in…
European stocks rather flat in the middle of the day. The recovery of Libyan production depresses the prices of black gold, to their lowest since November. Eni, Saipem and Tenaris penalised. Eyes on Mediaset and Telecom on the rise. Among the small caps, a leap of…
In the middle of the day, European price lists are feeling the effects of low-cost crude oil and are dealing with the rise in US interest rates - The dollar is strengthening, the euro is declining - In Piazza Affari, the uncertainty over the Veneto banks penalizes Unicredit and…
Italian institutions under fire on the Ftse Mib awaiting news on the negotiations with the EU to save the two Venetian banks - After a new collapse in crude oil (-4,6%) the oil sector is the worst in Europe - Good…
Wednesday, May 24 was the day of Trump's visit to Rome but also of the annual assembly of Confindustria and some novelties in the maneuver.
Piazza Affari down like most European stock exchanges: Ferragamo collapses due to the China effect, sales on blue chips - Banco Bpm shares go against the trend for the second day in a row - Unipol and Leonardo are also up.
European price lists also held back by automotive investigations and awaiting Mario Draghi and the Fed's minutes. The dollar strengthens against the euro, oil slightly up. Banco Bpm runs on the pending Npl sale. Balzo by Safilo and Tecnoinvestimenti
The title of the Florentine fashion house rises, but not to the level of the price list. Market concerned about changes to the Patent Box due to alignment with OECD principles: from 2020 brands will be excluded from tax relief. Bad blow for the industry…
Industry and services ride the small rise of the Milan Stock Exchange (+0,2%), also supported by the stability of banking shares - Italgas and CNH also do well - Sales on Mediaset, Buzzi, Exor and Azimut - Btp-Bund spread always above quota 200
Piazza Affari does not recover with the industrial production record - After the accounts, Bper collapses - Banco Bpm is also bad - Buzzi revises the Mol and leads the rises - Ferragamo promoted in luxury - Oil still in…
After four sessions in the red, Piazza Affari regains share and gains 0,81% - Unicredit in great shape in view of the fixing of the price of the capital increase - Ferragamo, Stm and Leonardo also do very well - Sales on Luxottica, Tenaris and…
Today Unicredit raises the curtain on the price of the offer of the new shares for the largest capital increase ever carried out in Italy - Spotlight on Leonardo after Moretti's conviction in the first instance to which the Board confirms…
The FtseMib closes an inglorious session in the green while Wall Street is on its way to reaching the record of 20.000 points - Weak banks, automotive does well with FCA and its team - Cucinelli closes with strong profits, the…
In Europe, London sets new records but the other markets are uncertain, weighed down by financials - In Milan, Cucinelli is rallying, Ferragamo doing well - The race of FCA and Brembo continues, positive Stm, Prysmian and Leonardo. Oil prices rebound…
Stock market sessions dominated by profits after the rally of recent days - Piazza Affari dances around parity while the derby between FtseMib and Dow Jones continues towards 20 thousand - Great leap by Ferragamo but also by Ubi and…
In the middle of the day, European lists turn red - Profits taken on Banco Bpm after two stellar days - Stm slips - Fincantieri effervescent - Euro rebounds - Italy in deflation for the first time since 1959
In the last session of the year, the European price lists show little movement in the middle of the day - Milan is in line and America is also waiting for Trump - Piazza Affari is preparing to close 2016 with a 10% loss - TerniEnergia,…
Tired morning for European price lists. Piazza Affari regains share after the publication of the Zew index better than expected - Oil down but still in the spotlight - Among the utilities promoted by Snam, A2A rebounds - Moncler and…
Banking and fashion are driving the Milan Stock Exchange, but the MPS stock is still weak despite the reassurances from Renzi - Moncler and Ferragamo are racing, Cucinelli is bad - The deadlines for presentation have expired at Unicredit…
The ECB leaves rates and QE unchanged and the markets remain disappointed but Piazza Affari regains momentum in the final (+0,48%) and does better than the other European lists - Exploits by Ferragamo and excellent performances by Mps, Generali and…
"The slowdown of the Chinese economy and the socio-geopolitical tensions could penalize the growth of the luxury sector", but the group, "thanks to the positioning of the brand", assumes "further growth in the economic result during 2016".
Luxottica, Prada, Ferrari, Moncler and Ferragamo are the top five Italian luxury companies in terms of value creation according to the special ranking drawn up by the consultancy firm Active Value Advisors - the French Lvmh world leader
The R&S-Mediobanca Yearbook has drawn up a personal ranking of the top management of the major Italian public and private companies - Roberto Colaninno's second son is the youngest at 39, ahead of John Elkann and Marco Alverà while…
The store, on Avenue Montaigne, is spread over two floors, for a total area of approximately 1.300 square meters - L'ad Norsa: "The mono-brand store on Avenue Montaigne is the largest Ferragamo store in Europe"
Ferragamo and Yoox rise in the wake of the quarterly reports, Tod's is still in the red - Unipolsai is down sharply after the accounts, Unipol and Generali are also bad - Among the banks, only Ubi is saved - Snam's recovery after the collapse…
The CEO has led the company since 2006, guiding it to the stock exchange and recording record revenues in recent years - After the farewell of creative director Giornetti last month, another revolution in the maison - It's a farewell…
Led by Moncler, Ferragamo and Burberry, the prices of European luxury stocks will grow by 20% in the next twelve months - Goldman Sachs forecasts.
Exane analysts have raised Ferragamo's rating from Neutral to Outperform and the target price from 24 euros to 27 euros - Title flies on the stock market and is the best of the Ftse-Mib
Milan goes up but slows down in the final, Europe did well with its eye on the trajectory of interest rates and the moves of the Fed and the ECB. Bank of China cuts rates and Ferragamo and Yoox fly - Campari sets an all-time record.…
All European price lists are positive - Ferragamo and FCA shine in Piazza Affari - Banco Popolare is also doing well, in the wake of news on banking risk - Positive oil prices and asset management - In Europe companies of…
After the shock of the Paris massacre, the stock market rears its head and rewards the defense industry - Finmeccanica (+5,4%) takes the lead in the race for Piazza Affari - Buzzi and Prysmian's performances and recoveries are also excellent…
The Florentine brand has just celebrated twenty years of presence on the Chinese market, with the reopening of a megastore in Shanghai - L'ad Norsa: "Our presence in the area is important and still needs to be improved: in China there is a …
The Stock Exchanges recover in the finale and Piazza Affari gains 0,54% on the wave of the banks, Unipol and Mediaset - The fall of Ferragamo and Tods, CNH and Saipem continues instead - Sales also on Prysmian…
The European stock exchanges rebound together with the single currency, on the day of the meeting of the European premiers on immigration and the Italian stability law - Stm shines, in the sights of the big names - Waiting for the Unicredit board of directors - Fincantieri weighs the…
The devaluation of the yuan has put into crisis the luxury brands that in recent years have significantly increased their earnings thanks to the Chinese market - The weaker yuan and the decline in sales in Asia will force the…
Piazza Affari closes up 0,6% with one of the best performances in Europe - Mediobanca leaps but Intesa is also on the rise after record accounts and Unicredit - FCA and fashion stocks are always brilliant - On…
Ferragamo shares lose more than 4% after today's collapse of the Shanghai Stock Exchange - Tod's also bad (-2,7%) - Moncler and Yoox defend themselves
Versace's turnover is growing at an annual rate of 20-21% and in 2017 it could reach 850 million euros according to the estimates of the CEO Gian Giacomo Ferraris: "The goal is quotation" - Double growth in Italian tourist cities for the brand…
Shares of Ferragamo and Tod's record significant increases in Piazza Affari following the Chinese government's decision to lower duties on some products, including luxury goods, to favor the domestic market
The Biscione takes advantage of speculation around Vivendi-Sky - The Fiat galaxy is also in evidence - Tod's, Ferragamo and Luxottica are doing well - German industrial production disappoints, but exports rise more than expected - Spreads around…
Another black day in Piazza Affari and on all the main European markets - At 12, Piazza Affari loses 1,5% - We note the temporary suspensions due to excessive reductions of Mediaset and Ferragamo which in mid-morning…
The Florentine maison continues to fight against fakes: tens of thousands of fake advertisements removed and counterfeit garments seized - Great attention paid to China and the online market.
In mid-morning, the stock also touched 30 euros while at 13 pm it stood just under 29 euros, with an increase of 1,3% compared to the opening value - The stock is on the positive side after the excellent…
MEDIOBANCA STUDY AREA SURVEY - The Italian fashion system continues to grow, driven by the large luxury groups - Tourism, online sales and retail are the main drivers - The giants of Italian Top Fashion better than big industry - Solid…
The Ftse Mib rises by 1,76% thanks to the strong rises of Intesa, Mediobanca, Telecom Italia, FCA which gain between 3 and 5% - Ferragamo is also doing very well - The oil companies suffer instead - The hopeful effect of a agreement on…