
On FIRST Arte culture is also staged on August XNUMXth

The Sunday Tale that FIRST Arte is publishing today is “I no longer want to play” by Diego Maria Gradali – The Bauhaus and the British Museum in London are the other gems to read

On FIRST Arte culture is also staged on August XNUMXth

Rich menu even in full August holidays for FIRST Art, the FIRSTonline portal dedicated to the world of art and culture. Like every weekend, there is no shortage of Sunday stories: this week it's up to the author from Piacenza Diego Maria Gradali and his "I no longer want to play". The 51-year-old from Emilia, with a writing with a memorial flavor, tells the scariest fairy tale of all: the loss of innocence and the beginning of adult life.

On FIRST Arte, 360-degree insights into various cultural institutions of our continent: Mario Mancini has revisited the history, from this centenary year, of the Bauhaus school of architecture and design in Berlin; while Marika Lion takes us for a walk in the British Museum in London, which is 266 years old, and the Petit Palais in Paris, with an exhibition-event on the romantic years of the French capital, open until mid-September.
