
Minimum wage in Italy: Parliament votes in July, but there is no agreement on the threshold of 9 euros per hour

M5S and Pd want to vote in the Senate by July, but do not agree on the proposal to be presented for the minimum wage in Italy - Fim Cisl relaunches bargaining

Minimum wage in Italy: Parliament votes in July, but there is no agreement on the threshold of 9 euros per hour

After first go-ahead for the European resolution on the subject, we go back to talking about minimum wage in Italy. The issue, however, divides the government and the social parties. Pd and Movimento 5 Stelle agree not on substance, but yes on timing: they would like to vote in Parliament by July, at least in the Labor Commission in the Senate, where there is talk of introducing the minimum wage in Italy from the beginning of the legislature, with the first proposals presented in May and July 2018. In order for the provision to have any chance of being approved before the electoral campaign for the elections policies, the definitive go-ahead for Palazzo Madama should arrive by the summer break.

Minimum wage in Italy: the 9 euro knot

The M5S proposal

The problem is that the political forces do not agree on the merits of the reform: in particular, there is no agreement on limit of 9 euros proposed by the M5S as the threshold for the minimum wage in Italy. "The minimum hourly salary as defined by the national collective labor agreement cannot in any case be less than 9 euros gross", reads the text presented by former minister Nunzia Catalfo.

The position of the Pd

On the other hand, the Pd "presented amendments without the 9 euro threshold - explains Susy Matrisciano, president of the 5S of the Labor Commission in the Senate - delegating the matter to the main sector contracts. But there are some where the minimum wage is 4 euros and 60 cents. Or at 6 euros. For this reason it is good to put it in writing”.

In the dem field, the reference proposal is that of Senator Tommaso Nannicini. According to the Democratic Party, he writes Republic, 9 euros would be reached "implicitly". Those who are following the dossier in the Commission underline that, with the replacement amendment of the dem, "a rule would be introduced on trade union representatives for which only the contracts signed by the truly representative acronyms would have legal value. Certainly not the pirated contracts that over 800 have proliferated in recent years".

The League stands with Confindustria: "The priority is the tax wedge"

Even if Pd and M5S find an agreement, however, their numbers they would not be enough to pass the new minimum wage law in Italy, and the resistance of Forza Italia and Lega have already made themselves felt. Matteo Salvini, in particular, takes the side of Confindustria, which instead of an intervention on wages is asking for a cut the corporate tax wedge: "Our priority - said the Carroccio's number one - is to cut taxes on those who create jobs".

Minimum wage in Italy, Fim Cisl: "The EU directive pushes towards bargaining"

Meanwhile, from the front of the sindacati, the voice of Roberto Benaglia, general secretary of the Fim Cisl: “The European directive” does not impose the introduction of a minimum wage in Italy, but “pushes towards healthy bargaining – explains the trade unionist – The new Istat data published on the consumer price index will allow metalworkers to obtain increases higher than the 112 euro defined last year, in a very different scenario. Thanks to the negotiated safeguard clause, the 2023 and 2024 tranches will be revised, arriving according to current forecasts (to be verified in the future) at approximately 200 euros of total increases per month at the end contract. Now it's up to the Government to make payroll heavier in a structural way".
