
Metso, the association of electricity grid operators in the Mediterranean, is born

Terna, leader of the initiative together with the Tunisian Steg and the Algerian Sonelgaz, will host the structure's general secretariat in Italy. The statute will be formalized by December. The objective will be to define the common lines of cooperation and development of the Mediterranean electricity grid.

The first network of electricity transmission grid operators in the countries bordering the Mediterranean was born today. It is called Mediterranean Transmission System Operators (Metso) and brings together Italy, France, Spain, Morocco, Greece, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Jordan, Portugal, Slovenia, Tunisia and Albania with the aim of defining common lines of cooperation and development of Mediterranean electricity grid. Terna, leader of the initiative together with the Tunisian Steg and the Algerian Sonelgaz, will host the structure's general secretariat in Italy. The statute will be formalized by December.

The meeting took place in the context of the two days of work organized by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (Apm), coordinated for the Energy group by the president Alessandro Ortis, and by the Mediterranean Association of Electricity and Gas Regulators ( Medreg) on ​​the theme "the development of energy infrastructures in the Mediterranean: a priority" which today saw the participation of the main international players in the electricity and gas sectors.
