
Intestinal microbiota: an interactive dictionary like a journey into the mysteries and benefits of our digestive system 

The dictionary created by Wellmicro, which can be consulted for free online, allows you to deepen your knowledge of the fundamental functions of the microbiota on the well-being of our organism. How to fight all those microorganisms found inside our digestive system, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites which amount to 39 trillion.

Intestinal microbiota: an interactive dictionary like a journey into the mysteries and benefits of our digestive system

There is a lot of talk about it at all levels and in all media: scientific and medical articles, TV programmes, even advertising for pet food but in reality the intestinal microbiota remains a mystery to many. And even for many doctors.

We have all known about thehuge mass of microorganisms hosted in our intestine, which takes the name of microbiota and which influences our health for better or for worse – he states Silvia Turroni, Associate Professor Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, University of Bologna – However, understanding and dissemination are often undermined by lack of knowledge of the vocabulary of the intestinal microbiota. Because, when out of curiosity or necessity - because the doctor or pharmacist recommends taking the test - one would like to learn more about this still mysterious and fundamental tenant for health, one finds oneself faced with an obstacle: hyper-specialist language.

Going into specifics, we must first understand the importance of knowing the function of this fundamental component of our digestive system which includes all those microorganisms found within our digestive system, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites (many of which are ingested through food).

There are 39 trillion bacterial cells living in our body that must be fought

The surfaces found outside and inside the human body, such as the skin, mouth and intestines, explains the Dr. Silvia Giugliano, researcher and nutritional biologist at the Humanitas Medical Care clinic in Aresecovered by millions of microorganisms (body flora) that protect us from possible infections caused by harmful microbes. These There are approximately 39 trillion bacterial cells that live on the body, a slightly higher number than the cells that make up the human body (30 trillion).

The microbiota stimulates the immune system, breaks down potentially toxic food compounds, and synthesizes some vitamins and amino acids, including B vitamins and vitamin K. For example, the key enzymes needed to form vitamin B12 are found only in bacteria, not in plants and animals (vitamin B12 plays an essential role in the formation of red blood cells, cellular metabolism, nerve function and DNA production , the molecules inside cells that carry genetic information).

Furthermore - we read on the Humanitas website - while simple sugars, such as table sugar and lactose (milk sugar), are rapidly absorbed in the upper part of the small intestine and have less than virtuous properties from a digestive point of view, more complex carbohydrates such as starches and fiber are not as easily digestible and travel further down the large intestine to complete the digestive process induced by bacterial fermentation. This process provides a sense of satiety (they take up space in the digestive tract), slows down the absorption of intestinal glucose, reduces the absorption of dietary cholesterol, promotes cardiovascular health, increases fecal mass and therefore intestinal peristalsis and stimulates the production of “good” bacteria which therefore act as prebiotics, promoting favorable intestinal colonisation. Furthermore, the fermentation of non-digestible fibers causes the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) which can be used by the body as a source of nutrients, and also play an important role in muscle function and the prevention of chronic diseases, including some types of cancer and intestinal disorders. Finally, the SCFAs that are released following fermentation lower the pH of the colon. This acidification of the intestinal environment selects the type of microbiota and limits the growth of some harmful bacteria such as Clostridium difficile.

And therefore It is essential to familiarize and deepen our knowledge of the microbiota and its effects on health. But we often come up against a cultural barrier represented by the high terminological specificity of this relatively new subject for us. He comes to meet us today Wellmicro, a company of NAMED GROUP, the Italian hub for natural well-being – studies and analyzes the intestinal microbiota with next generation genetic sequencing technologies (Next Generation Sequencing NGS) that it has created “The intestinal microbiota and its language, Dictionary to learn about your intestinal microbiota” glossary in 140 words to facilitate the understanding of scientific terms relating to microorganisms, functions and analysis methodologies.

In 140 words the explanation of an organ that supervises the internal balance of our organism

This dictionary - explains Silvia Turroni - aims to disseminate and explain to a wide audience the correct, scientific and updated terms of the intestinal microbiota to facilitate a greater understanding of its functioning and its importance "The intestinal microbiota and its language, Dictionary to learn about your intestinal microbiota", thanks to Wellmicro's scientific know-how, offers a collection of 140 words, each accompanied by an explanation and further observations, to help break down the impenetrability of the technical lexicon and approach this mysterious and fascinating organ with greater knowledge. Our vision of a future in which the intestinal microbiota with its individual-specific characteristics will represent one of the pillars of precision medicine, together with the idea of ​​community service that daily guides our work and our commitment to research – he states Andrea Castagnetti, Microbiologist, General Director of Wellmicro – has put us face to face with a problem that is ethical as well as linguistic: make people increasingly aware and informed about their health. This dictionary is the small, certainly non-exhaustive contribution that - from the A for Acetate through the L for Lactobacillus up to the Z for Sugars - we make available to everyone: doctors, medical students or curious people, to understand the terminology of intestinal microbiota". Wellmicro, founded in 2015 as a spin-off of the University of Bologna, has been part of the NAMED GROUP since 2022, a research, development, production and marketing hub for over 100 brands in the main therapeutic areas, which covers the entire spectrum of consumer healthcare: nutraceuticals, devices doctors, phytotherapy, sports nutrition, diet and cosmetics, molecular analysis of the microbiota, today has around 600 professionals, and reaches more than 50.000 doctors, 10.000 partner pharmacies, parapharmacies and herbalist shops. Wellmicro has developed data interpretation methods that have been patented, defining protocols. In 2016 it launched the first test on intestinal microbiota on the market, in 2019 the first test on intestinal mycobiota and in 2023 the Vaginal test. Wellmicro with its “Gut Test” boasts a network of over 100 individual health professionals and medical facilities.

“The intestinal microbiota and its language, Dictionary to learn about your intestinal microbiota” can be consulted and downloadable from the Wellmicro website:
