385 labels from 163 companies present in the competition dedicated to the best Extra Virgin Olive Oils, curated by Fausto Borella. 45 new entry companies in the ranking. Tuscany leads the way in terms of number of awards, followed by Sicily, Umbria, Calabria, Puglia, followed by Campania and…
Massimiliano Mussoni, chef of the La Sangiovesa tavern in Santarcangelo di Romagna, considered a true place of worship in Romagna, offers a tasty soup with an onion protected by a Slow Food Presidium that risked extinction. The great nutraceutical properties of onions
Valter Longo's "longevity poké" is a healthy version of Hawaiian poké, designed to promote longevity. Here are three variations for a detox diet
The chef of the La Lanterna verde restaurant in Villa di Chiavenna proposes a historic dish of the restaurant with trout from a family farm available raw, marinated and cooked. The important nutraceutical properties of asparagus enhanced in this preparation.
In the small town of Gagnano sul Garda, capers have found a favorable environment for their reproduction. Chef Alberto Bertani of the QB Duepuntozero restaurant in Salò has dedicated an entire menu to "Capers, what a menu. The great nutraceutical properties and…
Chef Stephan Zippl of the Park Hotel Holzner restaurant on the Renon plateau, Michelin's red and green star, invites you to a healthy cuisine that does not give up flavour. The great properties of asparagus this season are effective in…
The chef from Orsara attests to a philosophy of cuisine, of the heart and essence not of a land, in this case Puglia, but of the territory in the cultural meaning of its thousand meanings, of memory, of history, of peasant tradition elevated to excellence
A concentrate of beneficial properties and very versatile in the kitchen. For Pliny the old man took away sadness and gave joy to life. It can be a starting point for beautiful walks in the woods, but be careful not to confuse it with the Mandragora, a grass…
For the recipe, the chef who teaches high gastronomy at Gambero Rosso courses chose the Risoinfiore quality, the only rice on the world market with a registered trademark and zero residue. Cravero: my cuisine begins in the earth and from there…
In addition to being a valuable source of protein, fiber and antioxidants, legumes play a key role in promoting sustainable agricultural practices. For World Legumes Day, initiatives in over 140 restaurants throughout Italy
The chef of La Locanda del Mulino in Valcasotto offers a dish rich in nutritional and healthy properties that is easy to make but has great flavor (thanks also to the Valcasotto cheese)
The study conducted by American researchers from the journal Nature. However, the advice remains not to consume more than 200 g. of red meat per week, preferably from grazing animals
Mackerel marinated with citrus fruits, prickly artichokes, celery, cucumber with lemon, almonds: In this dish by the Chef of the Calamosca restaurant, vegetables and fruit are rich in vitamins and iron and give a sense of satiety, the fish provides omega three, a real…
Considered the fruit of the future in light of climate changes with increasingly hotter seasons and long periods with little rain. Its medicinal properties are many to combat cholesterol, high blood pressure and triglycerides. Rich in magnesium, potassium, selenium and…
The dictionary created by Wellmicro, which can be consulted for free online, allows you to deepen your knowledge of the fundamental functions of the microbiota on the well-being of our organism. How to fight all those microorganisms found inside our digestive system, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi…
For the Veronesi Foundation: the current model of food production, especially meat, is no longer sustainable for the planet. The animals bred so much that if they were released they would not be able to survive due to the high use of drugs,…
For the National Academy of Agriculture, ancient grains "are a trend full of falsehoods". Modern wheats have less protein and therefore also less gluten than ancient wheats. Ancient wheats require a much larger surface area for…
A tasty recipe that is a concentrate of healthy properties for the body by Marco Bianchi, food mentor and scientific communicator, testimonial of the Veronesi Foundation's campaign for research into male tumors
OIPA takes a tough stand against the law that bans meat grown in Italy. For the Veronesi Foundation, research must necessarily find valid alternatives to the consumption of meat for food safety. a health problem...
The cuisine directed by master Aiuchi Takehiko is part of a cultural project to explore the philosophical meanings of Japanese gastronomy. Great attention to the world of sake and Asian mixology, the Zen garden created by Akiyama Nobushige, artist of the cultural institute…
Charlemagne recommended cultivating it and had it planted in the imperial gardens of Aachen. A concentrate of properties useful in respiratory and digestive disorders, of antioxidants (vitamin A, vitamin C and manganese). Became part of the Slow Food Presidia.…
An easy recipe proposed by the Chef of the La Corniola restaurant which contains the flavors of this season and refers to the intense aromas of mountain meadows and woods, an invitation to indulge in a day full of nature
It was also exported to Germany and the USA, then a disease decimated the crops. It took 13 years of studies and experiments. Now the aim is to relaunch the processing industry. It is a concentrate of nutraceutical properties that are healthy for the body
The aim of the collaboration is to promote the health of the population by acting on cultural, nutritional and environmental factors: here are the details
With a good diet we can adequately "nourish" the neurons, allowing us to improve mood, stress and brain activity. As well as the physiological decline.
Eight years ago, only 20 forty-year-old trees survived. Now we are also thinking about the transformation of the product into compotes, jams and juices. The nutritional properties of peaches: beneficial for the eyes, blood, skin, intestines
Slow Food publishes a useful guide to familiarize yourself with fish products in the kitchen. You discover many interesting culinary possibilities. The list of fish to buy according to the seasons. Market advice for informed purchases
Three ingredients that are a concentrate of well-being and nature. When verbena was used against vampires before its medicinal properties were discovered. The ideal cucumber for diets. Eco-sustainability at the Faula restaurant in Casa Langa…
The smartest behaviors and strategic foods: here's how to help our body deal with the heat and stuffiness peaks that lead to exhaustion and lack of tone and lucidity
An initiative to finance research in the field of nutrigenomics, i.e. the science that studies the relationship between genetic heritage and food. The first research to study the beneficial effects of polyphenols on the processes involved in the progression of gastric cancer
A concentrate of health, this is how the recipe proposed by the Roman chef with a Michelin star can be defined. all beneficial properties for the human body explained by the nutritionist
Between man and ice cream a love relationship as old as the world. The first was prepared by Isaac for his father Abraham. In 2000 BC the Chinese already used a mix of fruit and ice. The Arabs introduced it to Sicily.…
First objective: the signing of a Manifesto against synthetic and artificial food. Identified 53 potential health hazards
They ensure 38% of the iron requirement, 26% of potassium, 33% of phosphorus, 42% of zinc, 42% of vitamin B1, 250 g of cooked broad beans produce the equivalent effect of a dose of a drug
A specter is haunting the world: that of synthetic food. After the production of synthetic milk also started in Israel, Coldiretti raised the alarm: "Italian farms are at risk"
For the IARC it is carcinogenic, but we also need to know how to interpret the data that is made available to us. Wrong on the part of the detractors of alcohol consumption to support their claims, perhaps with too much arrogance. Studies have the task…
According to the immunologist Attilio Speciani it is not alcohol itself that leads to cancer, but sugars. And in any case everything depends on the subject: in a balanced picture, a little wine can even give some benefits, for example for cardiovascular diseases
The ancient custom of the Canavese families of cooking the beans in terracotta pots which were brought to the bread oven of the village. The discovery of the formidable nutraceutical properties. With the Slow Food Presidium, the aim is to redevelop tourism and food and wine in the area
All the fundamental beneficial properties of the tomato. The initiative in support of research and treatment of tumors affecting children and adolescents. The PALM project for the development of new treatments for the treatment of pediatric acute myeloid leukemia.
A research by the University of Bergamo explores how consumer sentiment has changed. The Novel Food market in Europe has tripled in five years, it will reach 261 million euros in 2023. The insect sector will reach…
The sale of lemons in the squares from 1 to 15 March finances research. The recipe for Cream of chickpeas and cannellini beans with Taggiasca olives, a concentrate of well-being. Important function of the peel of lemons to protect against tumors of the esophagus
A concentrate of "health" that should not be lost. It is a detox drink, which helps cleanse the liver and improve digestion. Here's how to make artichoke water
Stefano Filipponi, nutritionist at the Endocrinology department of the Cisanello hospital in Pisa. he intervenes in the debate on EU labels. It is not a ban but information that makes the consumer responsible for a conscious use of wine, as happened for…
Low in calories but rich in minerals, antioxidants, vitamins and anthocyanins. Extremely versatile in the kitchen, raw or cooked, sweet or savoury. The recipe to try: borlotti bean pudding with dark onion and Treviso red radicchio cream
More and more often chocolate and cocoa are used to create delicious savory recipes. Here are the best pairings. And by the way, it's also healthy
Analgesic, antiseptic, analgesic, antispasmodic, expectorant, stomachic and tonic, also useful for driving away ants now enters the food beverage industry in a big way
The Ministry has renewed the role of the Consortium for balsamic vinegar in the promotion and protection of an Italian excellence. The fight against imitations.
In a hidden garden of vegetables and fruit trees in Sorrento, two chefs of great school, Vincenzo Incoronato and Andrea Guarracino give life with Vrasa to a fine dining cuisine played entirely on the embers effect and on the pleasure of meeting again…
Pulses are now internationally recognized as an essential element in a climate-friendly and health-promoting diet - Here's why pulses are a treasure trove of well-being
Terra Madre Salone del Gusto will be held in Turin from 22 to 26 September. More than 3000 delegates from 150 countries are expected to take care of the regeneration. The watchwords: reduce meat consumption, fight against food waste and…
Picholine Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a fragrant and non-bitter oil with a slight spicy aftertaste, an antioxidant food source that helps reduce the effects of oxidative stress according to some studies
It is difficult for the consumer to navigate the rich supplement market. A healthy microbiota is our immune system's best ally. The importance of fermented milks and yoghurts
An all-Italian bet to replace cow's milk butter, but also margarine and palm oil. Ideal not only for vegans and vegetarians, but also for people intolerant to lactose or gluten
At the table, suggests Stefano Filipponi - we can identify the right allies to combat the effects of the heat wave of this scorching August on our bodies
Italians are great consumers. The hidden dangers behind the 2000 tons of chillies we import from non-EU countries and from China. In Rieti the World Fair of Made in Italy Chili Peppers
Born from a collaboration of the San Quirico Brewery with SienabioACTIVE, an innovative spin-off of the University of Siena, it has beneficial bioactivity effects on osteoarticular cells. It will be internationally certified
Luigi Salomone, starred chef of the Re Santi e Leoni restaurant offers a Cod of memories of a poor cuisine that redeems itself in a recipe with an elegant and enveloping taste in combination with an oriental sauce
The Aristoil Plus project to identify oils with the highest concentration of polyphenols, essential in the prevention of neurovegetative diseases
The many benefits for the body from the consumption of olives. The best in Italy natural green, natural black, pickled, seasoned and wrinkled greens
Appointment from Friday 10 to Sunday 12 June. Involved the students of Versilia to distinguish between commercial oil and quality EVO oil. The best oils awarded with the "Crowns"
Wild herbs can offer the pretext for healthy walks in the valleys and along the rivers to collect healing herbs and roots but also useful for salads and recipes
Nilo Sori, a young entrepreneur, grows salads and herbs, reducing water and soil consumption by 90% and ensures more vitamins and nutrients than the leafy plant
Chef Mariangela Susigan of the starred Gardenia restaurant in Caluso revisits an ancient Cavalese recipe based on wild herbs and cheeses that enhances the biodiversity of the valleys
There are 50 producers of the Slow Food Presidium in the Alps. A fundamental activity for pastures and the protection of the territory. The invitation to throw flower seeds in the gardens in the city
A poor dish from the peasant tradition of the Roman countryside is a concentrate of beneficial properties. Chef Antonio Romano of Spazio7 makes it a starred dish that can be replicated at home
The best Italian extra virgin olive oils selected by the Slow Food Guide according to the principle of a clean and fair healthy product. All companies indicated by region. Biologics are on the increase
The most emotionally fragile subjects should avoid diets at this time. Indulging in satisfying and comforting foods and a few violations of the rules is effective. The benefits of herbal medicine
Leaving the role of head chef of the three-starred Norbert Niederkofler for a mountain hermitage restaurant requires courage. But Michele Lazzarini has a project for a high-level kitchen
The enfant prodige of starred Italian restaurants arrives at the Dama di Venezia on the Grand Canal. Cuttlefish alla peverada is an icon of his cuisine halfway between tradition and contamination
A study by the American Institute of Neurosciences verified American tastes in terms of pizza. The Neapolitan one beats everyone for flavor and health properties
In Italy 600.000 people suffer from Celiac disease. For them, Chef Marco Scaglione's dove is gluten-free. The Dove symbol in history and invention in the 30s
Little cooking secrets, handed down over time, for the pleasure of the table but also to cure some ailments when there were no supplements in a volume of Slow Food
In Coalvi's new publication, experts agree on an omnivorous diet by choosing low-fat meat, such as that of Fassone di Razza Piemontese
Even before the biologists Ancel and Keys developed the principles of the Mediterranean diet, in this happy part of Italy the Cuoncio Cuoncio method marked well-being
The recipe proposed by Chef Mirko De Mattia, "Chef de l'avenir" 2019 international award, in his Level 1 restaurant in Rome, combines his origins from the Roman hinterland with the passion for the sea inherited from his grandmother's cuisine from the Marche region
The Ministry of Health warns against "hoaxes and misinformation". Taking too much is even harmful. We can decide the right dose, with some surprises, at the table, instead of resorting to supplements: Chili peppers, peppers, rocket and broccoli contain much more...
The Movimento Turismo dell'Olio in Puglia, Tuscany and Umbria opens the oil mills with an offer of Bread & Oil to visitors, but also with Christmas markets to promote well-being but also the knowledge of all the benefits of oil in cosmetics
Out of twenty awards from the International Guide, Italy takes home 14 medals followed by Spain, France, Croatia, Greece and Chile. The company of the year is from Puglia, the emerging one for 2021 is from Tuscany.
Health is a choice criterion for 86% of consumers and sustainability for 70%. Consumers consider supermarkets low: they should play a more active role in guiding towards healthy and sustainable choices. At the table…
Behind sesame seeds for our "healthy" salads, tasty pistachios, appetizing peanuts and chicken breasts imported from abroad hide dangerous chemical residues, mycotoxins, heavy metals, microbiological pollutants, dioxins and even carcinogenic aflatoxins. The "Black list" of harmful foods…
The organization dismantles "Five "lies" that hide "colossal commercial and speculative interests". We are ready to fight against test-tube meat, says Prandini
It is a protein-based allergy that belongs more to the plant than animal world. It is very frequent in the Mediterranean area. In addition to fruit and vegetables, it also affects those who eat legumes. It is not detected with the classic food allergy tests
The novelty of this year's holidays is a panettone with Matcha tea and Bronte green pistachio, a Slow Food presidium, which combines the tradition of the product symbol of Christmas with the ancient practice of Japanese Buddhist monks who were the first to discover…
More and more attention is paid to the quality of food and its impact on the environment rather than calories. The trend towards a healthy and sustainable diet is constantly growing. The example of Fresh Cut, the company created by three friends…
A dish with exotic flavors that is becoming more and more popular in our country. In the last year alone, there has been a 700% increase in Uber Eats orders. If prepared with well-balanced ingredients, the pokè bowl is…
Thirty years of successes and a thriving market that reaches tens of billions of euros a year. But the many benefits are reduced by a Cochrane Heart Group research 1. The advice of the nutritionist to ensure our need for Omega three…
Animal protein substitutes are the biggest food revolution of our times. Intensive animal farming is one of the major sources of pollution and water consumption. Bill Gates had already warned of the need…
On the internet and in the media, it is attributed remarkable beneficial properties for the human body. But the European Food Safety Authority warns against nutritional "claims". Much more effective, and cheaper, to eat a plate of fiber-rich chicory.…
Water-soluble fibers increase satiety and curb appetite. Important for those with diabetes problems; eating vegetables before a plate of spaghetti has the effect of decreasing the glycemic surge.
The belief that intolerances make you fat is spreading more and more. The nutritionist from the University of Pisa warns against the abuse of the many tests in circulation which risk eliminating foods that could lead to deficits from the diet.
Salmon farming is devastating the marine ecosystem. Among the causes the pollution of the seabed, waste, parasites and the increasingly high mortality rate of fish. With production tripling in recent years and demand continuing…
A heritage cultivated with wheat, wines, vegetables, managed by the communities is at risk of speculation. An appeal.
The gourmet pharmacy offers healthy dishes, indicated for the various pathologies signed by the three-starred chef Niko Romito and his Academy. A place where food meets well-being, prevention and taste. Among the proposals is the healthy husband and…
In recent years, tropical fruits have conquered the palate of Italians. The revolution of exotic crops starts from Salento, after Xylella damaged the olive trees, causing a major crisis in olive growing. And while the bacterium ate millions of…
With the Pandemic, the anti-Covid immunological properties of vitamin D have been fabled. The nutritionist of the University of Pisa clarifies its prerogatives, suggesting foods that are rich in it but warns against false myths, especially on the effects of…
With the Pandemic and the desire for a healthy diet, Italians have approached the world of extra virgin olive oil. But the quality level has also increased in recent years. Today everyone recognizes the importance of the Mediterranean Diet for…
The most recent research has brought down many clichés about milk and cheese fats. The professor. Marcello Mele director of the Department of Agricultural, Food and Agro-environmental Sciences of the University of Pisa leads us to review many beliefs that…
Making consumers responsible is the most effective weapon to support the cause of environmental sustainability. Setai was born with this aim, the app that helps you choose food that is friendly to health and the planet, thanks to the sharing of information on the levels of…
It is a type of cannellino bean with an intense flavour, with a good softness and a thin skin which speeds up its cooking. Cultivated according to environmentally friendly practices on volcanic soils rich in nutrients, the Acerra bean is a…
With Covid, Italians have understood that we need to change our diet to strengthen our body's defenses. Ciro Vestita, professor of human nutrition at the University of Pisa, explains in a book, how to supply ourselves with vitamins, mineral salts and natural principles…