
Maturity 2021, this is how the exams will be

In an interview with Corriere, the new minister Bianchi anticipates the guidelines on the next high school exams. Here is all the information

Maturity 2021, this is how the exams will be

The new Minister of Education, Patricio Bianchi, dictates the line on the next Maturity 2021 exams. No written tests, admissions established by the class council and maxi oral. term papers? The Miur does not even want to hear their name, but the green light is given to a large paper which will then be discussed by the students in front of the commission.

Waiting for one to arrive new ordinance, which will contain the rules on the 2021 Maturity Certificate and which should arrive in the next few days, the minister anticipates the guidelines on the upcoming exams in an interview given to Corriere della Sera.


Also this year, due to the pandemic, the Maturity exam will necessarily have to adapt to the emergency situation that the country is experiencing. For this reason, the new minister Patrizio Bianchi has decided to confirm the formula already used last year, however making some important changes. 

On one thing, Bianchi is peremptory: “I don't want to hear about term papers!. Graduates are boys and girls at the end of their five-year schooling: they will have to prepare a large, personalized work, on address subjects in agreement with the class council. They will discuss it with the commission, made up of their teachers,” the owner of the Miur told Corriere. 

Therefore confirmed also for this year the absence of written evidence. In their place, the students will have to prepare a paper on which the maxi oral will be based, which will also be developed on the other disciplines. During the test, girls and boys will have to "express what they have matured and understood over the years also with a critical vision".


Also confirmed internal commission, made up of teachers who know the students in front of them well and who will therefore be able to judge the entire journey made over the years. 


Unlike what happened last year, not all students will be admitted exams, but it will be up to the class council to establish who can take the high school diploma and who cannot. "Admission will be ordered during the final ballot, by the class council," specified Bianchi.


Exams will begin in mid-June. Horizon School specifies that the starting date should be 16 June 2021, at 8.30, while for the first supplementary written test it will be necessary to wait for 1 July. 
