
Maneuver, Federmeccanica: rigor is ok, but politics supports growth

From Trieste, where he spoke at the national assembly of the association, the president Ceccardi underlined how "on the front of the consolidation of the accounts the line of Tremonti must be supported" – But the greatest urgency is that of making precise choices of economic policy.

Maneuver, Federmeccanica: rigor is ok, but politics supports growth

Rigor in public finances is essential, but economic policy choices are also needed to promote growth. This is the opinion of Pier Luigi Ceccardi, president of Federmeccanica, on the financial maneuver approved yesterday evening by the Council of Ministers. Speaking today in Trieste at the national assembly of the association, Ceccardi underlined that "there cannot and must not be any doubts about the absolute need to keep the bar straight on the consolidation of the accounts and on this objective the action of the government and by Minister Tremonti must be supported in any way".

However "there are no purse strings to loosen, but economic policy choices to be made". It is necessary "to put in place a new determination in preparing a real maneuver in favor of growth that has the political courage to choose, cutting waste and inefficiencies where necessary and, instead, allocating additional resources towards more virtuous uses".

As for the Fiat affair, Ceccardi said he did not agree with the letter sent to Confindustria by the CEO of Fiat, Sergio Marchionne, on the unitary agreement on contracts: "I don't agree, but the letter will come into force in January 2012 and in six months we work to bring the case back. I am serene and calm, let's go ahead by discussing each other, let's do the things we can do ". Also because what has been reached between Confindustria and the unions is a "historic agreement", capable of preventing "that clashes will not be repeated in the future and that the wound of 2009 can be healed".
