
MEDICAL IMPLICATIONS AND INSURANCE – The rain of complaints against doctors knocks out the companies

SPEECH BY DARIO FOCARELLI, general manager of Ania - The avalanche of complaints against doctors and health facilities has exploded the losses of the health civil liability insurance branch: the cost of claims exceeds the premiums collected by 50% - The high costs are rarefying the offer – Possible remedies and policy delays.

MEDICAL IMPLICATIONS AND INSURANCE – The rain of complaints against doctors knocks out the companies

For years, Italy has witnessed a worrying increase in complaints connected with medical malpractice, with important negative repercussions on the expenditure incurred by the National Health Service, on the technical balance of the health liability branch and, ultimately, on doctors and structures. The reasons for the trend of increased risk are well known: the expansion of the definition of the doctor's responsibility, the increase in the amount of compensation and greater litigation. The phenomenon is common to all developed countries but elsewhere (USA, Great Britain, New Zealand, Ireland, France) reform laws have been introduced in the first years of the new century to contain its economic effects.

In Italy, nothing has been done by offloading the burden of a situation that has become unsustainable onto the economic agents. For over a decade, the health insurance branch has been systematically recording huge losses. Between 2001 and 2012 the cost of claims in the class exceeded the premiums collected by an average of 50% in coverage for doctors and 72% in those for facilities. For a large part of the specializations, the costs of coverage for doctors remain affordable (below 1.000 euros for employed doctors) with some peaks for some high-risk freelance activities. The cost of claims for healthcare facilities is substantial: in 2013 this was equal, on average, to 107 euros per hospitalization. Due to the uncertainty of determining the final cost of claims, the insurance offer to cover the risks of medical facilities has gradually become rarefied. Many regions have decided to manage the risk of malpractice by resorting to so-called self-insurance. However, in the absence of adequate funds to cover the future cost of claims (characterized by a long latency) it is already possible to predict the emergence of a new hole in public finance. The policy solutions to be followed to mitigate the impact of the phenomenon should aim at a drastic reduction in claims by intervening on several fronts. In the field of prevention, it would be advisable to prepare measures aimed at spreading a greater culture of risk, encouraging the adoption of risk management protocols in the structures and professionals.

It is also believed by many that the underlying juridical system needs a profound revision starting from a revisiting of the concept of liability, the expansion of which has contributed not a little in recent years to the increase in the costs of medical malpractice. Lastly, to reduce the high degree of uncertainty about the extent of the claims, it would be desirable to introduce limits and standardize non-pecuniary damages, as well as encouraging the use of alternative forms of dispute resolution. The recent Balduzzi law (2012) addresses part of these issues, albeit only on a programmatic level. Almost three years later, the related implementing provision has yet to be issued. In particular, the rule with which the law had established, for the compensation of biological damages, the recourse to the same tables envisaged for the payment of damages consequent to serious injuries in motor liability insurance remains unapplied. Moreover, it is a fulfillment which the insurance sector awaits execution now ten years after its regulatory provision.

The full text of the speech by Dario Focarelli al convention “Healthcare responsibility: problems and prospects” is available on the page: 

1 thoughts on "MEDICAL IMPLICATIONS AND INSURANCE – The rain of complaints against doctors knocks out the companies"

  1. I have so many things to write and say (documented) that a book could be written about me, for (my "health" more than 54 euros have been spent (in two years) in hospitals, more drugs than all types, and more atrocious suffering (I was unable to work) so more damage to the state and to myself, and this year I haven't moved from home, due to the usual holidays more than two/three months in the hospital. , costs for checkups and medical visits by professors and various doctors .
    Why didn't they deliver ICD prints?
    What did they change to do the first ICD if it was intact?
    Do you see clinical and medical reports of the various interventions and visits? Hospitals in Milan, Brescia, Innsbruck, Zurich and Lugano.
    All the problems occurred for new upstream plant both pre and post plant.
    Download! A good 40 in three months are not few ( I think I am one of the few who can tell about it ) .
    The second ICD was worse than the first!
    I risked my life more than once, ICDs that shut me down in Lugano and installed another temporary one (external) that was supposed to save my life in case of tachycardia, after not even two/three days it disturbed the internal one (PACEMACKER ) and so for a month I lost: right arm, right hand and above all speaking, and after a month I walk and speak "almost" correctly (not to mention anything else about Zurich).
    Since the internal one was "almost" completely turned off (active PACEMACKER) they wanted to turn the internal ICD back on, in the meantime I returned the one installed in Zurich which gave me so many problems (another cost of € 3 per month) a bit 'all forced me to reactivate the internal one with various letters and documents.
    In addition and last but not least I have the pacemaker activated and at each visit (check) they make me feel more and more sick by changing the parameters which have changed several times (the parameters have worsened) (see various visits over the months) especially since they discharged me from Bs, and they would like to give me a heart transplant, more money (between 50 and 000,00 thousand euros) and maybe take a heart away from someone who really needs it. Without various interventions always very expensive (my wife also witnesses)
    I made some pecs and requested visits, they didn't even respond.
    It's all demonstrable with printed papers.
    Thank you for your interest, I hope to hear from you again for me ', but above all those who are in my situation and don't know what is best to do, thank you.

    Antonio Federici
    Tel 3491297804

