
The government goes into crisis in the Senate and Draghi goes up to Mattarella to resign

Lega, Forza Italia and Fdi but also M5S do not vote for trust in the Draghi government and open the crisis: the premier will go up to the Quirinale tomorrow to confirm his resignation – The political elections are getting closer and closer

The government goes into crisis in the Senate and Draghi goes up to Mattarella to resign

Mario Draghi's government ends here. Lega, Forza Italia and Movimento 5 Stelle did not participate in the vote of confidence placed by the Prime Minister himself on the Casini resolution. Instead, they voted in favor of Autonomie, Together for the future, Italia viva, Leu and the Democratic Party. Against Alternative and FdI. 

It ended with 95 votes in favour, 38 against and 0 abstentions, the Government has the numbers for confidence, but the majority no longer exists. At this point, Draghi will go up again to Colle, probably tomorrow morning, to place his now irrevocable resignation in the hands of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella. It will now be up to the Quirinal to decide if and when to dissolve the Chambers and bring Italy to early elections. Pending the vote, which could be held on 25 September or 2 October, the Executive will remain in office for current affairs.

The crazy day that led to the crisis 

This the epilogue of the crazy day spent at Palazzo Madama, during a river session in which we witnessed a show made of harsh tones, ultimatums and crossed vetoes. The definitive split took place at lunchtime, when first with an intervention by the Lega group leader, Massimiliano Romeo, and then with a resolution presented by Calderoli (who was also joined by Forza Italia), the two majority centre-right parties put an aut aut: government renewed without 5 Stars or vote. Unacceptable conditions for the Prime Minister who in the course of his reply confirmed the harsh tones used in the morning communications, placing his trust in a resolution presented by Senator Dem Pier Ferdinando Casini despite knowing how it would end. A choice probably dictated by the desire to make the parties face up to their responsibilities. 

The speech delivered this morning by the Premier had particularly irritated Lega and Forza Italia due to the references to taxis, bathing establishments and land registry and the lack of openness on many of the issues dear to the two political forces. 

In this context, the great absentee on this day was Giuseppe Conte, the one who a week ago kicked off the crisis, deciding not to vote for confidence in the Aid decree and to take his senators out of the Chamber. Not a word from the pentastellato leader, who remained closed in the offices of the M5S, without taking an official position. 

Premier Draghi's reply

During the afternoon reply in the Senate in which he placed the confidence in the resolution proposed by Senator Casini, Mario Draghi was even tougher and more resentful than the one seen in the communications released in the morning and fired at zero on superbonus and basic income. “For the Superbonus, the problem is the transfer mechanisms – said the Premier – Who designed them without discrimination or discernment? They are the culprits of this situation for which thousands of companies are waiting for credits – continued Prime Minister Mario Draghi in the Senate during the reply – Now we need to fix the wrongdoing and get those thousands of companies out of trouble ”, he added.

Speaking instead of the basic income, Draghi said: "I've always said it's a good thing, but if it doesn't work it's a bad thing". 

The Prime Minister then responded directly to the words of Giorgia Meloni who had accused him of asking for "full powers". “The support I've seen in the country has led me to re-propose a coalition pact and submit it to your vote. You decide. No requests for full powers“said Prime Minister Mario Draghi.

Finally, a response also to the intervention of M5S senator Licheri: “Sul minimum salary I said what I had to say, there is a proposal from the European Commission, we have opened a table with the trade unions and Confindustria, we will continue the discussion whatever your decision is today", replied Draghi, underlining that "there is a proposal that does not see the imposition, the diktat of the government on the employment contract”.
