The restyling works of Luigi Vanvitelli's work long overdue and included in the PNRR by the Draghi Government. The Royal Palace leads the rankings of the most visited sites.
The Bari-based economist anticipated the substance of a new critical essay on the PNRR entitled "Will the PNRR succeed in relaunching Italy?
The COP that opens in Egypt brings together rich and poor countries in need of aid. The optimism of UN Secretary Guterres and the worldwide consequences of the war in Ukraine
The Draghi government authorizes the new pipeline blocked by Regions and local committees. Green light also for new renewable plants
The petition continues to ask the government to change the system. A 2018 EU decision is being resumed. Minister Cingolani's perplexities
After Draghi's irritation and the rebound of responsibility between parties, the government and technicians, Palazzo Chigi presents an amendment that abolishes the derogation from the salary ceiling for public managers
Punish those who have acted with willful misconduct or gross negligence, limit liability for all others - The agreement guarantees the passage of the Aiuti bis decree to parliament
The associations of local transport companies are protesting over the expensive fuel. The government, however, is going ahead with the purchase of non-polluting vehicles
The Decree of the Ministry of Agricultural Policies intends to eliminate the bottlenecks that slow down agri-food exports and more. A measure with an environmental value
An exclusive negotiation will be launched today with the consortium led by the US fund which, against expectations, beat the competition from MSC and Lufthansa. 40-45% of the quotas will remain in the Treasury, but there is the unknown factor of the new Government
The Mipaaf tender opens a new path for photovoltaics in order to reduce the cost of energy in agriculture. The panels will go on the roofs and will not touch the ground
With a decree, young researchers working abroad will be able to return to universities and public research centres. They will be able to bring their projects, more useful than ever to the objectives of the PNRR
And the sums attributed to workers for the payment of bills (electricity, gas and water) are also included for the first time in the scope of ancillary benefits
The game of the ITS reform, approved by the Parliament in mid-July, is played on the implementing provisions: no less than 19. And the times for their enactment are short: from 90 to 180 days
The State-Regions Conference measures the progress of the initiatives included in the PNRR. Always in the foreground energy and infrastructure
Mario Draghi's clear answer to Giorgia Meloni on the Ita sale. The race goes on, a decision is made within ten days
INTERVIEW WITH FEDERICO VISENTIN, President of Federmeccanica, the association of metalworking industries - "The government crisis has thrown us off balance: it's difficult to understand the political reasons" - The GDP trend is reassuring and businesses have held up but autumn will be difficult -…
After leaving Forza Italia in controversy with the party's decision not to vote for confidence in the Draghi government, the minister requests a meeting with Calenda on Twitter, who accepts
From Monday 25 July it will be possible to apply for the 2022 Psychologist Bonus. How to request it, how to use it, what are the amounts? Here are the INPS instructions
INTERVIEW WITH SALVATORE ROSSI, Chairman of Tim and former General Manager of the Bank of Italy - "The government crisis could lead to negative macroeconomic effects almost like those of a worsening of the war" - Repercussions on the PNRR and trust in the Internet…
Lega, Forza Italia and Fdi but also M5S do not vote for trust in the Draghi government and open the crisis: the premier will go up to the Quirinale tomorrow to confirm his resignation - The political elections are getting closer and closer
The Milan Stock Exchange closes in the red due to the political dripping on the Draghi government. Only four blue chips are on the rise, especially the banks are suffering. Waiting for the ECB
Lega and Forza Italia summit at Villa Grande, after Prime Minister Draghi's speech in the Senate. The M5S has been reunited but in the Senate the Northern League Romeo and the force supporter Gasparri ask for discontinuity and that is a new Draghi government without the…
In a few hours we will find out if Mario Draghi will continue on the road to resignation or decide to rethink it for the good of the country but optimism about his stay at Palazzo Chigi is growing: naturally on his terms
Two entrepreneurs and two styles: Confalonieri criticizes Draghi on the war and sponsors Meloni, while Lavazza asks for a safe side for the country like that of Prime Minister Draghi
The government crisis worries financial investors. Here are the assessments of Ramenghi (Ubs), Goves (MFS), Diodovich (Ig Italia)
24 hours after Draghi's resignation, chaos is growing in the majority - M5S evaluates the withdrawal of 5 ministers but splits - The EU accuses Putin of destabilizing European governments. Renzi's pro-Draghi petition
With the resignation of Premier Draghi, many fundamental dossiers for the future of the country risk getting stuck. From gas to cutting the tax wedge, here are the measures that could jump
Draghi resigned, but President Mattarella rejected them, postponing them to the Chambers on Wednesday. - The Premier: "The trust pact has failed" - Renzi and Letta: "At work for the Draghi Bis"
Conte thinks he can better pursue the malcontents by standing in opposition. Even the League has had one foot in and one outside the government for some time. But voters are fed up with astounding promises
The decision of the M5S not to vote for trust in the Draghi government, today in the Senate on the Aid Decree, is disruptive. The League is already asking for elections, Draghi al Colle: the last word to Mattarella
River meeting of the M5S, interrupted for a Conte-Draghi conversation, which continued until late in the evening. In the Senate, the vote on trust in the aid decree decides the fate of the government and of 23 billion in aid
INTERVIEW WITH BRUNO TABACCI, Undersecretary of the Prime Minister and leader of the Democratic Center - "the vote of 26 June shows that the country does not appreciate the ambiguities of the right and trusts more in the seriousness of the Draghi government"…
On 12 June we vote for the abrogation referendums on Justice. Five questions, some of which are very technical. Here's everything you need to know and answers to frequently asked questions
INTERVIEW WITH ANTONIO MISIANI, Head of Economy and Finance of the Democratic Party - Faced with the constant fibrillation of the M5S and the Lega, the Democratic Party confirms its full support for Draghi, whose economic policy it also appreciates in favor of companies…
The price of gas has tripled in the last few weeks and undermines the entire production system of Pro Gest, which has decided to suspend production to cope with the expensive energy
The majority argue over the land registry reform. For the Government it is "decisive", but the League is pushing to remove it from the fiscal delegation. FI mediates. Here are all the news
INTERVIEW WITH BRUNO TABACCI, Undersecretary of the Prime Minister and leader of the Democratic Center - "The drama of the moment pushes us to unite around the Draghi government to help restore peace between Russia and Ukraine" but without forgetting the others…
The PNRR tenders for the circular economy have been postponed to 23 March for greater participation especially from the South. Over 2 million euros is the sum available for an epochal change in our economy.
The Government is studying a plan to revive the auto sector struggling with a deep crisis. The unions: "73 jobs at risk". Here are the measurements on the table
"Positive confrontation" between the government and Aiscat after the first two meetings between the top of the association and ministers Giovannini and Franco. On the table, the Pnrr
Sober but effective message from the Head of State to Parliament after the new oath in which he substantially designed a program to rebuild the country after the emergency - "I received an unexpected call" - Support for the Draghi government and…
School, anti-Covid measures and PNRR at the center of the Council of Ministers - The distinction between vaccinated and non-vaccinated intensifies and the League dissociates itself - Draghi: "Italy will be more open"
According to a study by the MEF, the cumulative effect of the two reforms improves the indices relating to inequality and the distribution of wealth in our country
Yesterday's performance on the stock market and the reduction in the Btp-Bund spread are signs that the market wants political stability - The rally in the high tech index resumes in the USA
After the interlude, the Government must fully take control of the implementation of the PNRR and accelerate if it wants to achieve the objectives agreed with Europe
The reconfirmation of the award-winning Mattarella-Draghi couple at the top of the state makes Italy a country that is still reliable in the eyes of the world and the markets - The stability of the government and the legislature and the push towards a proportional electoral law will…
The Council of Ministers has approved the reform of the Public Register of Oppositions - No more telemarketing calls to your mobile - Here's how it works and how to register
INTERVIEW WITH MARCO FOLLINI, former Deputy Prime Minister - A few days before the start of voting for the new President of the Republic "we are dangerously close to the perfect storm" and it is "disarming to see politics completely in the dark on the eve of the vote"…
Omicron variant infections are increasing and many regions are moving towards the orange zone - Here are the rules and the greatest restrictions that will be triggered especially for the unvaccinated
Prime Minister Draghi illustrated the new measures taken by the Government to reduce the pressure on hospitals and stem the surge in infections – Draghi: “Fundamental school for democracy. No to the generalized recourse to the dad ”-And he refuses the question…
For the Stock Exchange, 2021 is a year to frame - All Western price lists show double-digit increases - Milan takes third place in Europe, Hong Kong collapses in Asia - The pink jersey of…
Here are the proposals from the control room brought to the approval of the council of ministers - Ffp2 masks on vehicles, super green passes for the majority of activities, swabs for discos and Rsa, here's everything you need to know
The Government's budget maneuver has finally landed in the Senate chamber and, if there are no unforeseen events, it will arrive in the Chamber on December 28 for the final race for approval by the end of the year
INTERVIEW WITH GIANFRANCO BORGHINI, former parliamentarian and head of PCI Industry - By succumbing to the flattery of corporatism, populism and rebellion, the union has become "the weak link of Italian democracy" without the majority of the left being…
After the protest, a proposal is needed, but to participate in the challenge of change, the unions would need an adequate vision of the innovations taking place in the Italian economy and society - The change in the historical identity of the Uil, which is losing the opportunity, is striking…
8-hour general strike across Italy by CGIL and UIL (but not CISL) against the government, despite Draghi having waged a vigorous fight against the pandemic and restoring economic growth to the country (+6,3% of GDP)…
INTERVIEW WITH ALBERTO CLO', economist, great energy expert and former Minister of Industry - The surge in gas prices will not stop soon, but it was necessary to intervene earlier and act on the causes - Gas is a decisive energy source…
The achievements of the Draghi government in the fight against the pandemic and on an economic and social level are there for all to see: only an unsustainable myopia can induce CGIL and UIL to proclaim one of the most unfounded general strikes ever…
In addition to the two financial advisors, Tim also appoints a legal advisor: their task is to assist the telephone company in the complex evaluation of the transactions that could be part of the KKR takeover bid
Strengthened use of the electronic bracelet, promissibility of office, dynamic watch. These are some of the measures envisaged by the new bill to prevent and combat violence against women
The takeover bid project imagined by the American fund KKR is making progress, but the pronouncements of the Committee of independent advisers of Tim and the Draghi government will be decisive
In an unexpected extraordinary meeting held today, Tim's board of directors took note of the proposal of the American fund KKR to launch a friendly takeover bid on 100% of the shares - How will the French of Vivendi, who are the first shareholder, respond?…
The Report of the Institute for Environmental Protection exposes a country poor in structures to mitigate hydrogeological risk - Meanwhile, a new decree updates the criteria for interventions
The budget maneuver launched by the Government aims to support domestic demand but today the problems are all on the supply side and it would be preferable to allocate the available resources to address the bottlenecks, starting from the bottlenecks of…
The Council of Ministers has approved the implementing decree of the single universal child allowance - Applications from January 2022, disbursements from March - Here's who can receive it and how to calculate the amount of the new instrument that will replace all the others...
The Council of Ministers scheduled for the next few days will approve new rules to counter the increase in infections: from the third dose obligation for healthcare professionals to the reduction in the duration of the green pass, here are all the hypotheses on the table.
An increase in funds is coming in the budget maneuver and a diplomatic move in Europe - Meanwhile, a decree arrives in the Senate to be converted into law
Covid infections continue to increase and according to experts Italy could reach the peak of the fourth wave during the Holidays - The Government prepares the anti-Covid plan: the focus is on third doses and green passes. Coming the…
The governance of the water service is always at the center of the political debate. Management by companies is not the absolute evil, even if many have not understood it. Hera invests 250 million in the province of Rimini. The point of view…
The genre reform of Rai, proposed by the new CEO Carlo Fuortes, has launched a very complex phase of state television, whose main emergency, however, remains the economic-financial one: here's how things stand
The Maneuver approved by the Draghi Government contains important news on basic income - Changes on checks, refusals, sanctions, a cut expected after six months - Here are the new rules from 2022
The pensions of journalists are safe and the Inpgi, the social security institution for the press, will merge into the INPS from 2022 July XNUMX - For already retired journalists, nothing will change in their social security treatments, while for future ones the contributions accrued will be valid...
INTERVIEW WITH CHICCO TESTA, President of Fise-Assoambiente - "The results of Italy's energy policies are good, but the country is still behind on renewables and energy efficiency. An additional effort is needed". "Be careful not to discourage investment in sources…
The Minister of Ecological Transition in a hearing in Parliament explains the structure of the government's sustainable strategy
The Northern League minister nominated Draghi for the Quirinale to then immediately get to the political elections - But by breaking up the current government, who would make the reforms that can mark the turning point for the country? His endorsement in Calenda for…
Final green light in Parliament: now the Government has a year to write the delegated decrees - The main changes concern prescription, indictment, preliminary hearings and alternative sentences
The general secretary of the CGIL has proposed to CISL and UIL to relaunch union unity, believing that the prejudicial anti-unitary policies have long since disappeared. But to arrive at unity it would be necessary to clarify its foundations, starting from contractual policies and those…
Meloni and Salvini, Conte and the Pd with a Bettini tendency would welcome Draghi's rise to Colle to get to early elections - But Italy risks losing the opportunity to collect European aid and make reforms...
The Government is racing against time to avoid the boom in the price increases of electricity and gas bills which, in the absence of interventions, would start on October XNUMXst - But this week Draghi plans to approve a…
Green light from the Council of Ministers to the new decree on green passes and tampons - From 15 October the obligation of the vaccination certificate for all public and private workers - Here are the new rules on tampons, salaries and penalties
The European Mobility Week is an opportunity to check environmental policies. The Italian turnover for the production of bicycles is excellent.
The government gives up trust. The Carroccio had presented about 50 changes but then voted together with the Brothers of Italy in the classroom, raising an obvious political case. General Figliuolo: "Exceeded 80% of first doses"
Italy increasingly exposed to climatic and hydrogeological risks. What to do in front of the latest Report of the World Meteorological Organization.l
A new vision of the South in the infrastructure decree. Four axes to restart and reduce historical inequalities.
Confagricoltura appeal for new loans to businesses. Connection with government policies. 2021 could end with a record level of 50 billion euros of Made in Italy agri-food products destined for foreign markets
The Ministry of Infrastructure allocates additional funds to those envisaged by the PNRR to renew ports by 2026. Environmental energy plans in Italian ports to increase international competitiveness.
The fires destroyed thousands of hectares of land. The EU presents a large-scale recovery plan. which concerns Italy and Greece but not only
Having collected the first installment of European funding for the PNRR, the Government must demonstrate its spending capacity on the 106 projects presented and link them to the reforms already approved or arriving in September - Here is the overview of the 106…
The Chamber has given the go-ahead - The statute of limitations dear to the grillini survives, but is sterilized by the new "non-admissibility" that takes place after precise time limits - This is how the new criminal trial works
Predictably, the electoral propaganda, fueled above all by the more populist forces, has already targeted the Unicredit-Mps project, shooting zero at the so-called stew of the Sienese bank, but pretending to forget that for now on the table there is only the offer…
At the meeting of the Committee for the ecological transition the steps towards 2030 and 2050. Green light to the new MITE.
the Minister of Economy Daniele Franco illustrated the guidelines of the tax reform arriving in a few days to the Finance Commissions of the Chamber and Senate, warning that however the reform cannot be carried out in deficit and that therefore it will be…
"The appeal not to get vaccinated - Prime Minister Draghi said clearly to the No Vaxes - is an appeal to die". The CDM has also decided on the new rules for theatres, gyms and stadiums. The discos are still closed, for…
From ports to local public services, from gas to electric cars, passing through dams: this is what the new provision under study by the Government, expected by the end of the month, contains
Two days of international discussion on major issues of climate, energy sources, rebalancing rich and poor countries.
The former Labor Minister of the Monti Government will join the Policy Council chaired by Undersecretary Tabacci to give the Government suggestions on recipes for recovery. Many big names with her, that's who they are
The Government is working on updating the Energy and Climate Plan in compliance with European targets. From September new auctions for renewable plants
A report by Svimez and Utilitalia relaunches the need to invest in structures. The failure of municipal management and campaigns for public water.
This was established by the government control room - The cashback was suspended and the sending of tax bills was extended for another two months (until 31 August) and VAT payments until 20 July