
Enigma #merkel, Ubaldo Villani-Lubelli's ebook on the Chancellor 10 years after her election

Ubaldo Villani-Lubelli traces a compelling political profile of the German Chancellor 10 years after her election: from her early days in the CDU to her current international leadership. The author outlines the "secret" Merkel that the Italian reader ignores, but Angela Merkel's success is an enigma only for those who don't know her.

Enigma #merkel, Ubaldo Villani-Lubelli's ebook on the Chancellor 10 years after her election

Chancellor of the great economic and financial crisis and of the euro, international leader who saved the single currency and the European Union from collapse, but also a woman who opened the doors of her country to refugees, Angela Merkel entered the history of Germany and Europe for having profoundly shaped contemporary society and political culture.

Like all great German heads of government, Angela Merkel will also be remembered as the chancellor of a generation. You have governed since 2005 and are in third place in the special ranking on the duration of German chancellors behind Konrad Adenauer and Helmut Kohl, the first architect of the German rebirth after the Second World War and the second protagonist of the happy reunification.

How do you explain Angela Merkel's controversial style with her enormous success? How did you get to the summit of the CDU, Germany and Europe? And why is she considered the most powerful woman in the world? Who is Angela Merkel? There is no single answer to all these questions. Only by retracing the formation and political career of the chancellor and reconstructing the genesis of some of his decisions can we better understand the most loved and hated, popular and discussed political personality in Europe.

Ubaldo Villani-Lubelli traces a compelling political profile of Angela Merkel in the book “Enigma #merkel. In Europe, power is female: Angela Merkel”, the third edition of which has just been released by goWare.

Researcher and expert on German culture and politics, Villani-Lubelli outlines the "secret" Merkel that the Italian reader still knows little about, but that also conditions many choices of our governments. Angela Merkel's success is an enigma only for those who don't know her.
