
Coronavirus: Ubi, Bocconi, Vodafone and Caprotti on the field

The solidarity competition of companies, institutions and the scientific world in support of the health system is advancing: here are donations and fundraising.

Coronavirus: Ubi, Bocconi, Vodafone and Caprotti on the field

The solidarity contest between companies, institutions and the scientific world continues in favor of the healthcare system, put to the test by the coronavirus emergency. The initiatives of Ubi Banca, the Bocconi University of Milan, Vodafone and Giuseppe Caprotti, eldest son of the founder of Esselunga who donated 10 million euros to the cause. The bank, on the other hand, which moreover has its roots in the Bergamo and Brescia areas, today the hardest hit by the tragedy, will support with 5 million euros for healthcare institutions and research centers directly involved in crisis management.

The disbursements that will take place in collaboration with the local foundations connected to the bank, will affect the areas where the institute is present, with particular regard to Lombardy and the provinces of Bergamo and Brescia. To give immediate substance to its commitment Ubi Banca will donate two ambulances which will be destined in a very short time to these two provinces. “The Ubi Banca Group is there for Italy and for the territories that have made its growth possible in recent years – stated Victor Massiah, the group's Chief Executive Officer -. In this extraordinary emergency, we feel a strong responsibility towards all the economic and civil communities with which we have always worked and have always been in contact".

Still in the banking sector, it should be noted that the Executive Committee of Acri, the association of banking foundations, has approved the activation of a revolving guarantee fund to support the financial needs of third sector organisations. With an initial budget of 5 million euro, thanks to a financial leverage effect, the Fund will allow the disbursement of approximately 40 million euro of loans (repayable in a maximum of 18 months), thus bringing liquidity to thousands of organisations. 

Commendable too the Bocconi initiative, which in addition to the donation of 200 thousand euros to the Lombardy Region has decided to offer the availability of two university buildings to house emergency health facilities. The prestigious university, one of the symbols of Milan, has also launched a fundraiser open to students, professors, staff and alumni on the platform in support of the campaigns of the Lombardy Region and the Municipality of Milan.

Finally Vodafone, which through its Foundation has decided to support Buzzi Foundation e Italian Red Cross, two realities engaged in the front line in the fight against the Coronavirus, with a donation of 500.000 euros. "We are experiencing one of the most important health emergencies of all time and in this moment of emergency, the initiative of the Vodafone Foundation joins in some way the initiatives already implemented by Vodafone for customers, companies and young people students from all over the country”, explains a note.
