
Banks, Abi-unions: it's still a wall against a wall

Yesterday the delegation of the Casl, the ABI labor union commission, chaired by Francesco Micheli met with the leaders of the trade unions - The bankers have ruled out the possibility of wage increases at least in the two-year period 2014-2015, the unions have relaunched with the request for a increase of 175 euros in three years.

Banks, Abi-unions: it's still a wall against a wall

"Abyssal distances". Thus yesterday the unions summarized the state of the negotiations with the ABI for the renewal of the bank contract, canceled by the institutes a few months ago but in force until September. The Italian Banking Association responded to the document on the new banking model presented last Thursday by the unions and "there has been no progress", clarified the general secretary of Fiba Cisl, Giulio Romani. For Lando Sileoni (Fabi), however, if the banks do not change their attitude "the clash will be inevitable".

Yesterday the delegation of the Casl, the ABI labor union commission, chaired by Francesco Micheli met with the leaders of the trade unions: in addition to Sileoni and Romani, Agostino Megale (Fisac) and Massimo Masi (Uilca) were also present. The bankers have ruled out the possibility of wage increases at least in the two-year period 2014-2015, the unions have relaunched with the request for an increase of 175 euros over three years.

Masi argues that the Abi “responds to the requests contained in the platform approved by the workers with a single line of conduct: to reduce all costs, especially personnel costs. Greater flexibility, greater worker productivity, the spirit of adaptation of colleagues to new tasks are not enough for ABI".

During yesterday's meeting, as reported by Il Messaggero, the president of the ABI labor union commission, Francesco Micheli, presented a document that shows how the Italian banking sector suffers from low profitability not only in absolute terms, but also in comparison international with the European banking markets (over 3 percentage points of ROE on average in the last three years, around 6 points in 2013).
