
Apple challenges Netflix: the war of streaming

Apple challenges Netflix: the war of streaming

Original TV series and films with the bitten apple brand. Apple has decided to enter the streaming sector with a straight leg, a slice of the market that the big tech companies can no longer ignore if they want to remain competitive and find new ways of developing in the future.

According to the Financial Times, Cupertino will spend over 6 billion dollars in original content in order to steal users from Netflix, undisputed queen of the sector, but also at Hbo, Disney and Amazon Prime. All in view of the launch of Apple TV +, the streaming platform made in Cupertino which should debut in November at a price of $9,99 a month (the cost is anticipated by Bloomberg).

READ MORE: Streaming: Netflix, Amazon, Apple hunting for content to bring to the screen

In this context, however, one thing must be emphasized: 6 billion investments in original films and TV series, on closer inspection, are not that many. Netflix for example, in 2019 will spend more than double it, allocating 15 billion to its contents. 

It should also be considered that, again in November, a new actor will make his debut on the market: Disney, which with its Disney + streaming platform could give Netflix and Amazon Prime a hard time thanks to the cost of its subscription, equal to 6,99 dollars a month, but above all to the stable of its beloved characters (including those of Marvel), all rigorously included in the new product.
