
Airports: Fiumicino is (still) the best in Europe

For the second consecutive year, the "Leonardo da Vinci" airport is in first place in the official ranking of the "Airport Council International"

Airports: Fiumicino is (still) the best in Europe

Rome Fiumicino airport is confirmed as the best European airport for the second consecutive year. The "Leonardo da Vinci" is in fact in first place in the official classification of the "Airport Council International", the independent association that measures passenger satisfaction in the main airports of the world. Adr, the company of the Atlantia group which controls the Fiumicino airport, specifies that up to now the recognition had never been assigned for two consecutive years to the same airport.

"We are proud of this renewed record - declared the CEO of Atlantia Giovanni Castellucci - the result of the daily and passionate commitment of our collaborators and all our partners, from ENAC to ENAV, to the border police and the hub carrier Alitalia, to name just a few”.

What determined Fiumicino's victory was above all technological innovation, which led to the use of tools such as e-gates. Today the Roman airport is one of the European airports with the best punctuality rate for departing flights.

"These are important recognitions for Fiumicino - commented the CEO of Aeroporti di Roma, Ugo de Carolis - Above all, attention to the environment contributed, but also the commitment to designing solutions to make the passenger experience. There is still a lot of work to do, because an airport as large and important as Fiumicino can only improve thanks to a daily commitment".
