
Weekend Exhibition and Sunday Tale on FIRST Arte

The weekend exhibition is dedicated to Albrecht Dürer, to the Remondini collection at Palazzo Sturm in Bassano del Grappa.

Weekend Exhibition and Sunday Tale on FIRST Arte

This weekend's menu up FIRST Art, the FIRSTonline magazine dedicated to the universe of culture, sees as usual the Sunday Tale, signed this time by Giovanni Bucci, a street photographer from Abruzzo, who sets the text in his hometown, Alanno, in the province of Pescara. The title of the story is "Alanno's pharmacist": a story where hope, sudden like a ray of sunshine, pierces the dullness of an existence placed in a closet, moldering together with old jackets and coats. And, equally sudden, it could end up shutting down.

The weekend exhibition, on the other hand, is the one dedicated to Albrecht Dürer, in the Remondini collection at Palazzo Sturm in Bassano del Grappa. These are 214 engravings which, in terms of breadth and quality, are classified, with the one kept in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, as the most important and complete in the world.
