
Wine: Italy first world producer also in 2021

France slips to third place, overtaken by Spain – According to Coldiretti, this year our country's turnover could exceed 11 billion euros

Wine: Italy first world producer also in 2021

in 2021 Italy will keep the record of first producer of wine in the world. Spain rises to second position, while France slips to third place due to a sharp drop in production due to a series of frosts. This was stated by Ignazio Sanchez, general secretary of Ceev, during the presentation of the grape harvest estimates by UIV, Assoenologi and Ismea.

Actually, Italian wine production should drop this year by 9% compared to 2020, at 44,5 million tons. But the decline will not be enough to oust our country from the top step of the production podium.

After all, they also go down there Spain (-16%, to 39 million hectoliters) and especially the France (-24%, to 32,2 million hectoliters), where however - unlike in the Iberian country - domestic consumption, average prices and exports will grow in 2021.

As for the rest of Europe, the production of Germany less than in the Mediterranean countries (8 million hectoliters, -5%). Stable instead the Portugal (+1%, to 6,5 million hectoliters).

In the rest of the world, according to Sanchez, there are conflicting data: Argentina -6,4% Australia + 18% Chile + 15% South Africa +0,7% and New Zealand -8,8%. These five countries, put together, reach the numbers of Italian production.

According to the forecasts of Assoenologi, Ismea and the Italian wine union, the Italian vineyard is registering encouraging signs both from foreign demand (2,7 billion euros, with a +11% for exports in the first 5 months of the year) and on the domestic market, driven by recovery of tourism. After a 2020/21 campaign with prices down by 3%, the prospect of lower production for the current harvest, together with the rediscovered dynamism of demand, also generates optimism on the future trend of price lists.

Finally, on an economic level, Coldiretti believes that this year the Italian wine industry can register a turnover exceeding 11 billion euros. A result which, according to the association, will be achieved thanks to the increase in domestic consumption and exports.

"From the harvest in Italy - comments the president of Coldiretti, Ettore Prandini - a system is activated that offers job opportunities for 1,3 million people engaged directly in vineyards, cellars and in commercial distribution, both for those employed in related and service activities".
