
Waste and expensive energy: letter from management companies to Draghi for support measures

The war in Ukraine and the increase in prices have their effects felt on the entire waste management system and companies appeal to Draghi

Waste and expensive energy: letter from management companies to Draghi for support measures

The managers of waste they cannot handle the increase in raw materials and energy costs. Most Regions do not have suitable disposal plants, so any increase in costs has repercussions on the entire system. A letter to the Premier Mario Draghi it contains the requests to overcome a very complicated situation. At the bottom are the signatures of Agci Servizi, Confcooperative Lavoro e Servizi, Legacoop Production and Services, Assoambiente, Confindustria Cisambiente and Utilitalia. The expensive energy and the increases in raw materials are significantly investing companies in a strategic sector for environmental sustainability: this is the basic thesis presented to the executive. In addition to Draghi, Ministers Cingolani, Franco, Giorgetti and ARERA President Stefano Besseghini are the main interlocutors of environmental companies.

Rejections: urgent interventions are needed

Without urgent measures, in the coming weeks some waste collection and treatment services may be at risk. The alarm starts from the negative evolution of the international political and economic situation. How much longer can Italian companies resist rising costs? The war will still have its effects felt for many months. The government has so far adopted various measures to contain the economic effects of the invasion of Ukraine which evidently have not affected much on the environmental services of the Municipalities. The collection and management of waste must respect the commitments undertaken when the tenders were awarded. The specific regulations in recent years have become more stringent in relation to many emergencies. Businesses have made investments in means and technologies to improve and compete. But it is also known that the lack of plants has the effect, in many areas of the South, of the transport of waste outside the Regions in which it is produced.

The South lacks modern facilities

We are in one situation bordering on sustainability for companies required to respect the commitments previously undertaken in the public and private contracts that regulate the sector, the government is told. Businesses are particularly affected by the increase in fuel prices, which "can affect up to 15%" of overall costs. The system also includes other processing phases that exploit energy that is now expensive. These are facts that re-propose the urgency of creating circular economy systems around waste, mainly with plants capable of producing energy. The PNRR has forecast them by 2026. "A total investment that will require 5 billion euros in the South over the next few years - said Head grain, President of Assoambiente – and which could represent a great opportunity for the sustainable growth of the South”.

Read also - Marginal waste management in the Italian ecological transition: inadequate plants, urgent reform
