
Renzi: "Salvini resigns: a no-tax government is possible"

The former prime minister launches an appeal to all political forces to form a new government that avoids the VAT increase and the recession ("But I don't hang myself on the formulas") and opens the cut of parliamentarians.

Renzi: "Salvini resigns: a no-tax government is possible"

Matteo Renzi returns to the field and summons the anti-Salvini front: "This government has failed, now we need to avoid the increase in VAT, which would be a disaster: it would certainly send Italy into a recession”, said the former prime minister, launching an appeal to all political forces to avoid a return to the polls and form a new government to complete the maneuver and make constitutional reforms. “It can be called one of legislature, of purpose, of responsibility: I have defined it as a no-vax government, to distinguish it from the no-Tav one”. The dig at the outgoing executive and the 5 Star Movement is not even too veiled, but nevertheless the "ambush" at the deputy prime minister and interior minister necessarily involves an agreement first of all with the grillini, as well as a Democratic Party which will have to it is necessary to remain compact in this delicate match.

"The cut in the number of parliamentarians can be a starting point, even if it is an insufficient reform and with hints of demagoguery", Renzi said in the press conference in the Senate before the decisive vote on the scheduling of the crisis, effectively extending his hand to Luigi Di Maio, who just yesterday had ruled out an explicit agreement with the Democratic Party, specifying however that the M5S is open to dialogue with anyone willing to vote for one of the flagship measures of the political movement led by Casaleggio. "Secretary Nicola Zingaretti - continued Renzi coming to the climate within the PD - has every right and duty to manage this stage, and I totally agree with your call to keep the party united. But as a former prime minister who knows the state budget well, I am forced to remind everyone that we risk a recession”.

"The conditions were diametrically different and even today the one between M5S and Pd would not be an agreement on the electoral basis": thus replied the former secretary of the Pd responding to journalists who pointed out his initial aversion to an agreement with Di Maio and associates. “At that stage, an agreement with the grillini, who had won the elections campaigning against our government, would have made no sense. Now 14 months of government and 18 months of the political elections have passed, Italy has changed. We cannot hand over the country to Salvini, who has decided to open the crisis from the beach. Asking for full powers, moreover we don't know what to do, doesn't exist. It is a question of decency, Salvini must resign. My it is not an appeal to the 5 Stars but an institutional appeal to avoid the VAT increase and make constitutional reforms”, concluded Renzi.
