
Tuesday in Rome the presentation of the "Costs of Not Doing"

The workshop on Tuesday 2 December in Rome where the results of the 2014 Observatory Study on the "Costs of Non-Doing" are presented, curated by Professor Andrea Gilardoni - The event is held in the morning at the Auditorium in via Veneto: two tables roundabouts and the 2014 Infrastructure Development Award is also presented.

Tuesday in Rome the presentation of the "Costs of Not Doing"

The Italian infrastructural sector, blocked for years due to many inefficiencies, needs new development paths. On the one hand, it is necessary to create new truly priority works, modernization and efficiency interventions of the existing ones and technological upgrades capable of improving the performance of the infrastructures and providing quality services to citizens. On the other hand, to support companies in the sector so that they take advantage of the opportunities given by a growing demand for infrastructure on a global level. These are the issues that will be addressed in the two roundtables of the Workshop preceded by the presentation of the results of the 2014 Study of the Observatory The Costs of Not Doing. 

The Workshop is divided into three parts:

  • New technologies to make infrastructure costs and performance more efficient
  • Delivery of the 2014 Infrastructure Development Award
  • Opportunities for development in the global infrastructure market

The first round table analyzes the impact of technological innovation on infrastructure performance and costs. The 2014 partners of the CNF Observatory discuss it: Acea, Enel, Federutility, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, Hera and Terna. 

The Award, promoted by the Rivista Management delle Utilities e delle Infrastrutture, will be awarded to a prominent personality who has distinguished himself in the sector over the last five years. 

The second round table will discuss the opportunities for Italian companies in the global infrastructure market through the experiences and proposals of companies and financial institutions with a strong international presence. 

Here is the detailed program:

10,30 – First Round Table

Moderated by:
Frank Locatelli – First Online
They discuss it:
Alberto Irace – That
Massimo Bruno – Enel
John Valotti Federutility
Michael Elijah – Italian State Railways
Stefano Venier – Ivy
TBD – Mediterranean of the Waters
Marco Patuano – Telecom Italy
Matteo Del Fante Terna 

11,40 am – 2014 Infrastructure Award

Franco Bassanini e Pietro Salini deliver the 2014 Infrastructure Development Award a Carlo Malacarne (Snam) and the special recognition a Vainer Marchesini (WAM) for the reconstruction after the 2012 earthquake.

12,00 – Second Round Table

Moderated by:
Andrea Gilardoni – Università Bocconi
They discuss it:
Luigi De Pierris – African Development Bank
Franco Bassanini – Cassa Depositi e Prestiti
Ernesto Ferlenghi – Confindustria Russia
Francesco Rossi Ferrini – JP Morgan 
Peter Salini – Salini Impregilo
Carlo Malacarne – Snam
Victor Ogliengo – UniCredit

Here are the previews on STUDIO 2014
