

While awaiting the appointment of the president of the European Parliament, the keywords of the day are Brexit, the EU letter, the Stock Exchange (with Milan the only positive in Europe), Davos and bad weather.


1- EU, letter to Italy: corrective measures worth 3,4 billion

European Commission warns Italy that "additional fiscal measures equal to a structural effort of at least 0,2% of GDP could be necessary to reduce the gap for full compliance in 2017" - The answer must be given by 1 February – Without an agreement, infringement proceedings are triggered. Read the full article.

2- Brexit, May: "We will leave the EU, Great Britain will be global"

The number one of the British government confirms the Hard Brexit. He wants "an ambitious free trade deal with the EU" and threatens to turn Britain into a tax haven if Brussels chooses the path of a punitive deal - "We want immigration control but European citizens will still be welcome" – “We will continue to collaborate on security and terrorism”. Read the full article.

3- Stock Exchange, the banks save Piazza Affari

Strong leaps forward by Unicredit, Ubi and Banco Bpm - Saipem and FCA recover - Sales on Buzzi, Telecom Italia, Ferrari and Mediobanca - The conciliatory tone of London's divorce from the EU announced by May is not enough to revive the other lists of the Old continent. The article by Maria Teresa Scorzoni.

4- Davos, China to Trump: "No to protectionism"

According to Chinese President Xi Jinping, speaking at the World Economic Forum, globalization must be corrected, but not erased, because "pursuing protectionism is like locking yourself in a dark room. No one would win a trade war." Read the full article.

5- Weather, frost alarm: 300 thousand without light

More hardships throughout the peninsula and on the islands: a man died in Puglia, 160 users without electricity in Abruzzo - the army in the field - The article and the video.
