
iManifattura, new ebook by Giulio Sapelli on digital manufacturing: advantages and dangers

A new ebook, edited by Giulio Sapelli and published by goWare, takes stock of digital manufacturing, its advantages and dangers: “iManifattura. Manufacturing in the machine revolution”. The ebook is available in all major digital bookstores

The death of manufacturing in developed countries it is an economic, social, as well as political disaster. How can you avoid writing his obituary? Simple, with digital manufacturing. Digital manufacturing is the software that materializes into objects, prototypes and molds thanks to its ability to operate increasingly smaller and cheaper intelligent machine tools. The cloud is the infrastructure on which processes travel and young technologists are the new craftsmen.

Thus was born the movement of makers, which has its roots in the Californian counterculture that also gave birth to the personal computer. And now the entrepreneurs of European SMEs are also discovering it. And the Chinese are in love with it.

In the new book iManufacture. Manufacturing in the machine revolution published by goWare and edited by Julius Sapelli, who has been studying manufacturers for over thirty years, tries to take stock of digital manufacturing, its advantages and its dangers. With contributions from Pasquale Alferj and Alessandra Favazzo, Antonio Perfetti, Francesco Seghezzi, Chris Anderson, Evgenij Morozov, the book shows us the challenges of the new machine civilization that seems to be looming on the horizon. The consequences for the future of human labor are enormous, as well as for human settlements.

«A beneficial leprechaun has been wandering around the world's manufacturing industry for some time. – writes Giulio Sapelli in the introduction to the book – It is a question of mechanics by addition or by addition, instead of that by extrusion, i.e. a new manufacturing production chain which for about twenty years has been engaging an increasingly vast group of operators in the clusters of technologies not in reducing costs but in expanding the work practices determined by this change that affects various technological and production chains.»
