
23-year-olds are the largest group in America. And they will save her

In America, among all the age cohorts, 23-year-olds are the largest group: which, in view of the progressive aging of the population, is good, because it means that there will be enough workers to support the growing crowd of the elderly.

23-year-olds are the largest group in America. And they will save her

Digging into demography, we realize what a powerful force demographic trends are for the future of the economic system. For example, 23-year-olds are the largest group among all age cohorts in America. Which, in view of the progressive aging of the population, is positive, because it means that there will be enough workers to support the growing crowd of the elderly. Apart from the 23-year-olds, there are more people in their twenties (44,5 million) than in their thirties (41), forties (41,7) or fifties (43,8). Were it not for this beneficial 'swell' in these age groups, the US would look a lot like Japan or Europe, which lacks a large group of young people to pay the rapidly growing pensions of the elderly. All three areas experienced a 'baby boom' after the war, but only in the United States did the birth rate increase in the XNUMXs and XNUMXs after two decades of decline.
