
Ukrainian war: US-NATO secret documents published online

Cards have been posted on social networks showing American plans to strengthen the Kiev army. Attempts at disinformation but also authentic documents

Ukrainian war: US-NATO secret documents published online

They were published on social networks (Twitter and Telegram) top secret documents of Use and NATO detailing i plans to strengthen the Ukrainian army in view of a planned offensive against Russia. The revealed it New York Times, citing senior officials in the Biden administration.

open ainvestigation by the Pentagon on the leak. It is still to be understood how these documents ended up on social media, especially on Telegram, a widely used platform in Russia. “We are aware of the reports of the social media posts and the department is looking into the matter,” he said Sabrina Singh, deputy press secretary at the Pentagon.

Moscow's attempt at disinformation

Military analysts, however, would have declared that the published documents would have been modified in some parts compared to their original format. In particular they would have been raise your estimates american gods Ukrainian war dead and magazines to the downside those on the victims of Russia. The documents report exaggerated numbers of dead Ukrainian soldiers (71.500) while Russian losses are more reduced (17.500 but real estimates speak between 40.000 and 60.000 victims). This has led to speculation that the leak was an attempt at disinformation (and propaganda) by Russia. However, analysts have stated that some of the documents are authentic. This would have provided Russia with valuable information such as schedules for the delivery of weapons and troops, the number of Ukrainian troops and other military details. The leak is the first Russian intelligence discovery made public since the start of the war.

What is written in the documents

I documents are very recent, less than five weeks. One of these, classified as "top secret" would show the "Status of the conflict as of March 1". Another includes columns listing Ukrainian troop units, equipment and training, with schedules for January through April. There are 12 combat brigades that are being assembled and that will be ready by April 30 that will be supplied with over 250 tanks and more than 350 mechanized vehicles. Over published documents there are photographs, and graphs with upcoming deliveries of weapons, strategic plans and the status of troops and battalions. There are no specific battle plans like how, when and where Ukraine intends to launch its offensive.

For US intelligence it represents a important damage. The data leak is there first big flaw American since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. The administration has tried to remedy this by trying to erase the traces of the documents online, but without success at the moment. This information leak could damage intelligence sharing between Ukraine and the United States. Sharing that, already from the beginning of the war, Ukrainian officials were reluctant to implement.

It remains to decipher what will be theimpact of their disclosure about the fighting on the front lines in the coming weeks.

“Whether these documents are authentic or not, people should be wary of anything released by Russian sources,” he said. Michael Kofman, director of Russian studies at CNA, a research institute in Arlington, Virginia.
