
Google celebrates 10 years on Wall Street: it gained 1.373%

In fact, ten years have passed since the debut on Wall Street of the famous search engine, which was certainly a good investment for those who believed in the company of Larry Page and Sergey Brin, earning 1.373%. In the same period the S&P 500 index has 'only' doubled in value.

Google celebrates 10 years on Wall Street: it gained 1.373%

Google celebrates its tenth birthday on the Stock Exchange by preparing new attractive innovations, such as the launch of a YouTube service without advertising with a fixed monthly fee. In fact, ten years have passed since the debut on Wall Street of the famous search engine, which was certainly a good investment for those who believed in the company of Larry Page and Sergey Brin, earning 1.373%. In the same period the S&P 500 index has 'only' doubled in value.

Not bad for a company born in 1998 – as per Silicon Valley legend – in a garage in Menlo Park, California. And to think that to access the Nasdaq, the company had to cut the value of the IPO by about 30%, since the hypothesized 'range' (108-135 dollars) was considered too high. Not only that: the landing on the Stock Exchange was jeopardized by an interview granted by the two founders to 'Playboy'. Not really an economic newspaper, but popular enough to alarm the Sec. It ended up that Google debuted at the lowest value, 85 dollars, which immediately jumped to 100,40 at the end of the first session.

Google's stock market launch, however, is also remembered for the 'beneficial' effects on its employees: in fact, in a few minutes, the company's over XNUMX employees found themselves millionaires thanks to the packages of shares assigned to them by the founders.
