
Generali-Mediobanca at the showdown: Saturday board of directors and counts on Perissinotto

Hours of high tension between Generali and Mediobanca: surprisingly, an extraordinary board of directors will be held on Saturday where trust in the CEO of Leone will be discussed Giovanni Perissinotto - The twist, one month after the Generali meeting which had given broad consent to the CEO but having highlighted Del Vecchio's malaise, he will clarify the Nagel-Perissinotto disagreement

Generali-Mediobanca at the showdown: Saturday board of directors and counts on Perissinotto

It will be a high-voltage Saturday that awaits the general staff of Generali who have convened an extraordinary board of directors that has the flavor of a showdown between Leone and its major shareholder, Mediobanca, and which will decide the fate of the CEO Giovanni Perissinotto, who a year ago ousted the president Cesare Geronzi in the name of the company's autonomy. The malaise between Generali and Mediobanca and in particular between their two number ones, Perissinotto and Alberto Nagel, did not arise today but since Piazzetta Cuccia launched the highly controversial plan for the construction of an alternative insurance pole to the Trieste company between Fonsai and Unipol. The good management results presented by the top management of Generali have not yet been enough to relaunch the stock on the Stock Exchange and this has offered the private shareholders (Del Vecchio in the lead) the opportunity to ask for a new turnaround at the head of the Lion that Mediobanca has immediately ridden .

Hence the surprise convocation of the extraordinary council of Generali on Saturday in which the confidence in Perissinotto will be questioned despite the fact that in the general assembly a month ago the Trieste summit had gathered broad consensus even if preceded by a controversial interview by the patron of Luxottica, Del Vecchio, who asked for Perissinotto's head for the financial investments of the Lion even though he later voted in favour.
