
Finmeccanica: Guardia di Finanza confiscates 1 million from Selex

The investigation into irregularities in ENAV tenders led today to the confiscation by the Guardia di Finanza and Carabinieri of 1 million euros from the current accounts of Selex Sistemi Integrati, a company of the Finmeccanica Group - The confiscation is due to the crimes of corruption committed by Selex.

The Guardia di Finanza of Rome and the Carabinieri del Ros, today, as part of the investigation into Enav tenders, carried out theconfiscation of one million euros held in the current accounts of Selex Sistemi Integrati, a Finmeccanica Group company. Sum to which a fine of 150 thousand euros will then have to be added.

The forfeiture was settled in last month's plea-bargaining ruling, in in relation to crimes of corruption committed in the interest and to the benefit of Selex by its top executives. To thethe Selex the “adoption of organizational models unsuitable to prevent the commission is contested, by the top management bodies of the Finmeccanica Group company, of acts of corruption against Enav officials”. The company, according to a note, had already compensated the entire amount of damages (1 million euros) to ENAV and had adopted a new organizational model.
