
Di Maio and his endless somersaults: self-criticism or opportunism?

On Friday, at the Quirinale, the foreign minister applauded Mattarella, Draghi and Macron. But is it the same leader who wanted to impeach Mattarella, who wanted to leave the euro and who supported the Yellow Vests?

Di Maio and his endless somersaults: self-criticism or opportunism?

Let's be clear: in politics as in life, self-criticism is always welcome, if it is not pure opportunism and if it corrects previous errors and arrives at more reasonable positions. But, with all the benevolence of the case, it made a certain impression to see last Friday at the Quirinale, during the ceremony for the signing of the Italy-France Treaty, the pentastellato Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luigi Di Maio, applauding without any embarrassment and without blushing the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, the Prime Minister Mario Draghi and the French President Emmanuel Macron.

Let's be clear: those applauses were and are welcome. But how can we forget that only a short time ago Di Maio was the same political leader who he wanted impeachment for Mattarella for high treason, it was the same as wanted to leave the euro saved in a memorable speech (Whatever it takes) by Mario Draghi and it was the same one who went to Paris just a few years ago to protest against Macron together with the Yellow Vests?

In short, who is the real Di Maio? Yesterday's or today's? Waiting to find out better, today's Di Maio is the one who, without the ambiguities of Giuseppe Conte, says the minister of the Draghi government, re-established a good institutional relationship with President Mattarella and publicly admitted that, if he were in France, would vote for Macron. Better late than never, but is her real afterthought or simple opportunism? Time will tell.
