Marina Berlusconi's meeting with Mario Draghi in Milan could not go unnoticed and in fact Giorgia Meloni has some reason to be worried about it
The Draghi Report on EU competitiveness is a sort of instruction manual to enable Europe to face the epochal challenges it faces with decisions even by majority vote only to avoid immobility. The common thread is that…
Draghi illustrated to the Permanent Representatives of the EU countries the conclusions of his report on competitiveness. According to the former Prime Minister, it is necessary to act 360 degrees and involving all the actors of the continent
The ambiguity with which Giorgia Meloni (premier of Italy or leader of the European right?) acted at the top of the EU ended up humiliating Italy. In Europe the shell game doesn't work: Giorgia, think about it
Draghi received the European Charles V Prize and during his speech spoke about the future of the European Union, emphasizing sustainable growth, the green transition and the defense of Europe. On duties "useful against unfair competition" while on energy he reiterates...
The agreement between ITA and Lufthansa risks definitive failure after the EU Antitrust ban on the Italian company's entry into the international joint with Lufthansa, United Airlines and Air Canada. The amateurism of the Meloni Government which rejected the Draghi project a priori…
Only those who go on their knees to Conte can think that the Government of the leader of the Five Star Movement was better than that of Mario Draghi. But it is not the only political idiocy with which Goffredo Bettini, the former guru of the Roman Democratic Party,…
Unlike all the other leaders who ask for a vote for the European Parliament but will never go, Renzi and Bonino of United States of Europe have already announced that, if elected, they will resign from the Italian Parliament to move…
There is an Italy that sees its future in a renewed and stronger Europe and there is an Italy that does not really believe in Europe or, worse, that dreams of a Europe on its knees before Putin
In a new speech at the Sorbonne, the French President flies high and tries to shake Europe by urging profound reforms on the same wavelength as Mario Draghi, who he hopes to push at the top of the EU
Draghi is shaking up Europe by asking for a profound change that will allow it to recover lost ground towards other continents. If it's not a self-nomination to lead the EU, we're close
Mario Draghi at the head of the EU (but not of the Commission) is the only card that Europe has today to regain authority in the world. And if Meloni launched her candidacy and forgot the disagreements of the past, she would acquire an international role...
The Meloni Government's haste to shelve the wedding project between ITA Airways with Delta and Air France to favor the Germans of Lufthansa and mark a turning point compared to the Draghi Government in air transport has so far not led...
According to the survey by the Ipso union, 53% of ECB staff think that Lagarde is not the right person to lead the Eurotower, while only 38% support the current monetary policy
In view of the preparation of a report on European competitiveness which will be presented after the European elections, the former prime minister sees all the top managers of EU industry
The Prime Minister defends herself in the Chamber from accusations of wavering in Europe and goes on the attack, also stinging Draghi and then correcting herself - Let's hope it doesn't become an own goal for Italy
The candidacy of SuperMario Draghi for the Presidency of the European Commission, overshadowed by the French President Macron, is a very strong hypothesis that would benefit Europe and our country - The precedent of Ciampi is curious who, like Draghi, was president of the commission for…
French President Macron has a plan to bring Draghi to the helm of the EU - Meanwhile, the countdown has begun for the Italian Parliament's vote on the ESM
Speaking at a Financial Times event, Mario Draghi analyzed the current state of the EU which must become "a union capable of expressing a unique foreign and defense policy". On Ukraine: "War preceded by retreats on fundamental values, no to compromises"
Contrary to what Meloni would like us to believe, the technical governments of Ciampi, Monti and Draghi, despite being born as an anomaly of Italian democracy, had great merits for the country that no propaganda will ever be able to erase
GDP growth at 0,8% and deficit over 4%: these are the macro-sizes that will inspire the Nadef to be examined by the Council of Ministers this afternoon. In essence: less growth and more deficit - To obtain EU approval on the extra trade deficit…
The choice of Monti as Premier to avoid Italy's bankruptcy was proof that Napolitano was thinking of the national interest and not of partisan interests like Occhetto
The EU's recognition of Draghi and Letta means only one thing: that Brussels appreciates their idea of Europe and not the sovereignist and populist one of Salvini and even a bit of Meloni
The former Prime Minister in an intervention in the online edition of the Economist newspaper: "Returning to the old fiscal rules in Europe would be the worst result"
On the tax reform it is right to suspend judgment because only the legislative decrees expected within 2 years will define its true identity but the Government deserves a flat rejection on the parliamentary mess on the assets
A year has passed since the fall of the Draghi government due to the political crime signed by Conte, Salvini and Forza Italia but SuperMario's legacy has not been completely lost: both in economic policy and in support for Ukraine. AND…
The desperate search for electoral consensus has once again led Salvini astray with his tirade on the "fiscal peace" which recalls the times of Papeete: will it end in a new boomerang?
The Five Stars vote with the right for a salary increase of 16 euros net per year for the group leaders of the Chamber but then they are a little ashamed and announce that they will give up on collecting it. But then why did they vote for him?
Delfin excludes wanting to attack Generali but now the spotlight is shifting to Mediobanca where politics has its say and the rules of the game could change by messing up the current structures
The debacle in Molise is yet another confirmation that for the Democratic Party, the pursuit of the Five Stars only leads to distortion and defeat. If the Democratic Party does not decide to clearly say what it wants and only then to look for…
From Sergio Mattarella to Giorgia Meloni, from Draghi to Schlein to the Pope, here are the main reactions to the news of the death of Silvio Berlusconi
Article 1 is officially part of Elly Schlein's Pd, moving it even further to the left. But the nostalgia for the Conte 2 government, which - as is well known - was followed by the arrival of Draghi at Palazzo Chigi, gives us no hope…
Ukraine and inflation at the center of Mario Draghi's speech in Boston. As for inflation, "it will require a cautious continuation of monetary tightening". A paradigm shift is underway that will affect the future
Former president Maio Draghi will speak at the convention "The Global shock up - Where will the pieces fall?" talking about the upheavals of recent years
Fabio Panetta, former Director General of the Bank of Italy and current member of the Executive Board of the ECB, is the number one candidate to succeed Visco at the helm of Via Nazionale but the games are not over yet. For two good reasons
INTERVIEW WITH FRANCO MOSCONI, Full Professor of Economics and Industrial Policy at the University of Parma - "The area affected by the flood is wider than that of the 2012 earthquake but the strength of Emilia-Romagna can be found in the words of President Mattarella according to which…
The race for the seat of NATO secretary general is in full swing: the Englishman Wallace in pole position - Italy could obtain the leadership of the Military Committee for Admiral Cavo Dragone
"What is Meloni waiting for to pronounce the word anti-fascism?" asks the former leader of AN, Gianfranco Fini - The reluctance to fully come to terms with the past and the disbanding of his party and government companions are…
Faced with the abysmal delays in implementing the PNRR, if you don't want to lose EU money by exposing yourself to a devastating figure, a breakthrough is needed immediately with the appointment of a Commissioner with full powers like in the time of Covid...
There is new high tension between Italy and France but the premier's irritation at the failure to invite the Elysée to the dinner with Macron, Scholz and Zelensky reveals the dangerous diplomatic isolation of the Italian government
The former Prime Minister Mario Draghi will not be able to stop being a "grandfather". For him, the role of special envoy of the project with which Brussels wants to respond to the Chinese Silk Road is looming
The war between Russia and Ukraine was the event that changed the fate of this 2022. But the last 12 months have been full of important events: let's see them one by one
The economic but also social successes of the Draghi government are a permanent challenge to the center-right which is at a crossroads: either it manages not to disperse SuperMario's legacy or, sooner or later, it will pay for the disappointment of its action of…
After the misstep on the privatization of ITA, the discontinuity policy of the Meloni government risks shattering its credibility on economic policy by crippling the single Tim-Open Fiber network project
The Meloni government risks repeating the flop of the Conte 1 government (Lega + Five Stars) and prolonging the curse of Alitalia with choices without an industrial foundation
In his debut as Economy Minister at Savings Day, Giorgetti flaunts common sense and ignores electoral promises on pensions and flat taxes - He recalls his predecessor Goria's nasometer in the XNUMXs
The first meeting in Rome between Meloni and Macron encourages us to think that the prime minister will continue the path of dialogue, in frankness, with France in the interests of the two countries and of Europe
The new government is certainly not the high-profile government that Meloni dreamed of, but the presence of institutional figures in key seats is a guarantee: it will be its relationship with Europe that will define its true nature and the encounter…
At the end of a cordial conversation that lasted an hour and a half, Mario Draghi handed the fateful bell to Giorgia Meloni - The Council of Ministers is meeting, but the controversy over the appointments of undersecretaries and deputy ministers has already begun
The Draghi government leaves a rich legacy, with rapidly recovering public finances, strong exports, faster recovery than other countries. But above all with a method made of cohesion, industrial policy, screwdriver work, support for demand and businesses. It is convenient…
Meloni accelerates the presentation of her government team which tomorrow will be sworn in at the Quirinale in the hands of President Mattarella
At the end of his last European Council, Draghi does not hide his enthusiasm: "The agreement is the demonstration that Italy can blaze a trail."
Even before the consultations at the Quirinale begin, the center-right has already reached a decisive turning point for the formation or otherwise of the new government - Renzi is convinced that the seduction of power will end up bringing Berlusconi and…
Meloni puts her hands forward and claims that Italy is late in implementing the PNRR: "Then they'll blame us" - But Draghi gets furious and replies: "All goals hit"
Draghi scolds Berlin: "We cannot divide ourselves according to the space in our national budgets" - Meanwhile, a new measure against expensive bills is being studied
Politics affects our lives so much and voting is a way to make our point of view weigh, hoping that the Draghi model Italy was not just a happy parenthesis
Blackstone to Draghi: "With you the world has faith in Italy" - The premier: "How we deal with autocracies will define our ability to shape the future for many years"
The prime minister rules out a second mandate at Palazzo Chigi but strictly dismisses Salvini for his pro-Russian ambiguity, Meloni for her attacks on the EU and the France-Germany axis, and Conte for his somersaults on sending arms to Ukraine
Two outings were enough to unmask the real Meloni: an inconsiderate attack on Europe forgetting the 200 billion of the Recovery Plan and a reckless attack on Draghi on the public debt which has never dropped as much as in recent months -…
Seeing Salvini and Berlusconi kneeling by Draghi to solve the gas emergency after having him shot in Parliament is simply pathetic, no less than the nostalgic gasps of the populist wing of the Democratic Party towards the Five Stars
Faced with the soaring gas prices, the Government prepares a new decree without budget deviation: three salient points
The standing ovation of the young people of the Rimini Meeting to Mario Draghi is a bet on the future and an appeal not to disperse the Draghi Agenda, which is made up of method and content, the ability to solve problems and…
Welcomed by a long standing ovation, Prime Minister Mario Draghi spoke at the Rimini Meeting with the usual language of truth: Europeanism and Atlanticism yes, sovereignty and protectionism no.
Calenda lists his goals: "Moving forward with the Draghi agenda, moving forward with the Draghi method, having Draghi as Prime Minister. And then implementing the reforms of the Pnrr" - RdC to be redone and privatized Ita and ex Ilva
Great journalist and master of popular science, Piero Angela passed away at the age of 93. His son Alberto gave the news with the message "Have a good trip, dad"
Carlo Calenda and Matteo Renzi have reached an agreement for the presentation of a common list in the elections which in fact sanctions the birth of the reformist Third Pole which dreams of the return of Draghi to Palazzo Chigi and of which it will…
Negotiations in full swing between Calenda and Renzi to give life to the reformist Third Pole and present themselves together in the elections of 25 September. The novelty that is being thought of is to make the two ministers Carfagna and Bonetti the front…
The parties in the electoral campaign do nothing but talk about the Draghi agenda, but rarely explain what it is and what is inside it. Here's everything you need to know
There are many commitments to keep: Italy will be able to obtain an exemption due to early elections, but the risk of derailment remains and there are many dossiers in danger
The Minister of Health and leader of Article 1, Speraza, does not hide his nostalgia for the Five Stars and proposes "technical connections" with Conte's party by downsizing the Draghi agenda
In spite of the sovereignists and the Cassandras (including Confindustria), the Draghi effect continues to surprise: GDP is accelerating, the stock market is clearly recovering and the company's quarterly results have gone better than expected
INTERVIEW WITH ALESSANDRA SANTACROCE, director of IBM Italia and vice president for multinationals of Unindustria Lazio - "The political crisis creates some elements of instability but it is not what determines the investment choice of multinationals as much as a context…
The embrace until the end with the grillini and the renunciation of fighting for a proportional electoral law were two unforgivable mistakes of the Democratic Party - Now, to avoid giving Italy to the right, an electoral agreement with the Center is essential…
The government crisis raises many problems for Italy also in foreign policy - International candidacies could instead open up for Draghi by virtue of his personal prestige: here are the ones
After the resignation of Prime Minister Mario Draghi, the Head of State immediately dismisses Parliament - The Council of Ministers indicates the date of the vote, which will be 25 September
The fall of the Draghi government bites the stock market again and Milan is the worst in Europe - The ECB also weighs in - The banks suffer
Mario Draghi has resigned, Government in charge for current affairs. Mattarella summons Fico and Casellati: we are moving towards the dissolution of the Chambers - Forza Italia loses pieces: after Gelmini, also Brunetta goes
The Draghi government crisis adds great uncertainty to the markets in view of today's board of the ECB, which does not rule out raising rates by half a point
Whoever signed the end of the Draghi government made Putin smile but did incalculable damage to Italy and its international reputation, which we hope the voters will remember in the next vote
Draghi spoke in the Senate: "Resignation, a choice that was as painful as it was due". The progressive "chalking of the majority", the request for serious commitments on 4 fronts. The attack on Putin. Cold M5S
The markets are betting on Draghi remaining in government – Gazprom reopens the gas taps – ECB moves strengthen the euro – Optimism infects Asian stock exchanges
In a few hours we will find out if Mario Draghi will continue on the road to resignation or decide to rethink it for the good of the country but optimism about his stay at Palazzo Chigi is growing: naturally on his terms
Strong rise in the afternoon of the European stock exchanges on the hypothesis that Mario Draghi remains at Palazzo Chigi and that the ECB attacks inflation - Above all the banks are running in Piazza Affari
European markets are waiting to know the fate of the Draghi government and the ECB's decisions on rates and the anti-spread shield - The strength of the dollar weighs on US quarterly earnings
INTERVIEW WITH BENEDETTO DELLA VEDOVA, SECRETARY PIU' EUROPE FEDERATA WITH ACTION BY CARLO CALENDA: “This legislature can be considered a half-miracle. We are working to ensure that the next Parliament can cast a clear majority in favor of continuing the Agenda…
There are many open dossiers on the tables of government-owned companies. From energy companies to Mps, to Tim. Meanwhile, public debt is widening due to the spread
Futures see both European stock exchanges and Wall Street rising at the start of a decisive week for the fate of the Draghi government, the rate hike and the ECB shield
There are now more than a thousand mayors who have signed the letter-appeal asking Draghi to remain in government - Meloni is against the initiative, but there are also those among his who have joined
The rift with the Draghi government seems to give Conte the stigma of unreliability as happened to Bertinotti with the tripping of the Prodi government which a few years later led to the exit from the scene of the head of the Communist Refoundation due to a sensational electoral debacle
The 5 Star Movement left the Chamber and did not vote for confidence. The Premier cancels the CDM and goes up to the Quirinale
Mario Draghi in the press conference after the meeting with the unions is explicit: "You can't govern with ultimatums". Aid is on the way but without budget deviation
The Madrid summit was supposed to mark the relaunch of the Alliance and instead it was a "hostage" summit of the Ukrainian crisis - China and Russia a threat to European security - One thinks of the post Stoltenberg: is it Italian?
Mario Draghi was the absolute protagonist of the G7 both on the energy and wheat emergency and on the need not to give Putin any discounts in view of the G20
“The EU will speed up its work on the price cap, a decision we welcome", Draghi said at the end of the G7. "Ready to support Kiev for as long as necessary"
The European Union becomes more attractive with the rapid opening to Ukraine but the agreement on gas prices is not found despite pressure from Mario Draghi
"The European Union is becoming that institution that all EU countries look to as an institution capable of giving them stability and security", said the premier at the end of the EU Council meeting
Di Maio leaves the M5S taking with him 60 parliamentarians for dissent with Conte on Russia and the ambiguities of the Five Stars towards the Government. The wide field of the Democratic Party is in crisis
"The government will continue to support Ukraine as Parliament has told us to do," Draghi said. By 2023, Italy will be less dependent on Russian gas. Majority agreement on the resolution
Prime Minister Mario Draghi, together with President Macron and Chancellor Scholz went to Ukraine to meet Zelensky and bring a message of European unity
INTERVIEW WITH MASSIMO BORDIGNON, economist at the Catholic University and author - together with Gilberto Turati - of the book "Public debt. How we got there and how to survive it"