
Contract for metalworkers, Bentivogli (Fim): focus on training

Negotiations continue between Federmeccanica and the metalworkers' unions on the renewal of the national contract - In the last session the focus was on training, apprenticeship and health - Bentivogli: "Elements to be strengthened in all areas of discussion"

Contract for metalworkers, Bentivogli (Fim): focus on training

The discussion table between Federmeccanica and the unions on the renewal of the national collective agreement continues, whose representatives met to discuss the various changes to be made. During the last session, relevant issues were addressed such as professional training, the right to study, health and safety.

“These are elements to be strengthened in all areas of confrontation between the parties - declared the general secretary of Fim Cisl, Marco Bentivogli - from the territorial to the national one. We must strengthen and make our participation and responsibility operational, filling the gaps that we have had in recent years in the planning of the training offer and its verification."

Another issue addressed during the meeting was that of apprenticeship, an issue on which both parties intend to act. "The use of apprenticeship as a strong and privileged form of entry to work must be strongly relaunched - Bentivogli reiterated - The alternation between school and work is an indispensable condition for giving employment and training prospects to the young people we represent".


Negotiations for the renewal of the national contract for metalworkers resumed yesterday at Confindustria in Rome, with the seventh meeting. Specifically, issues related to professional training, the right to study and health and safety were addressed.

An important milestone has already been achieved in today's meeting, with the introduction of the individual right to training for all workers and the relaunch of apprenticeships. For years as Fim-Cisl we have fought to introduce this right that every metalworker must have, today our claim has become a concrete right.


Federmeccanica responded positively to our request by introducing the subjective right to continuous training for all workers, without exception. The proposal is to make 24 hours of training available to the individual worker over the three-year period, 16 hours made available to the company and 8 hours using PAR permits. To strengthen professional skills and develop knowledge, the companies will make available an additional 0,30% of the total gross salary. In this context Federmeccanica requests to review all the legislation on professional training and the 150 hours currently defined by the Contract. For the Fim-Cisl the positive element of the inclusion of the subjective right of all workers to continuous training cannot go to decrease the existing regulations, there may be some remodulation but in a logic of training support to a business system that must move towards Industry 4.0.


Federmeccanica reiterated the need to move towards an overall reorganization of the discipline of the right to study, considering the evolution of the Italian school system in recent years, also taking the European system as a reference for defining qualifications. For the Fim-Cisl, its reformulation is useful, but without weakening the system of the right to study and introducing elements of restriction.


Federmeccanica in sharing the objective of developing the use of the apprenticeship contract as a contract that facilitates entry to work, has communicated its willingness to cross-examine aspects connected to the professional and salary classification. It would be intended to intervene in regulating the transition from first and second level apprenticeship to the professionalizing apprenticeship.


There is no availability on the part of Federmeccanica to raise the permits for safety representatives. From their point of view the effort made in the previous contracts has already been important.

On the other hand, willingness to develop positive experiences at company level and disseminate them at national level was expressed, starting with the many initiatives on the front of prevention and joint training. Like Fim-Cisl we have reaffirmed the centrality of health issues and the need to act on the cultural aspects essential to concretely develop prevention issues. The joint assembly with all workers on the issue of health remains for us a fundamental element of active and widespread participation. And it is equally important to develop the role of environmental representatives in the context of contractual regulations, to make the issue and the compatibility of environmental impact and sustainability with the development of our industrial system a common objective.

The next meetings are scheduled for February 24th and 25th.
