
Envelopes with bullets to Monti, Berlusconi, Fornero, Casini and Bersani

The Proletarian Armed Movement signed the letters, intercepted yesterday evening, and addressed to Prime Minister Mario Monti, Silvio Berlusconi, Pier Ferdinando Casini, Pier Luigi Bersani and the Minister of Welfare, Elsa Fornero. Five other threatening letters had been sent to the directors of the 5 major Italian newspapers.

Envelopes with bullets to Monti, Berlusconi, Fornero, Casini and Bersani

Many have called it a "tears and blood" maneuver. We have already seen tears, but today there was a threat of bloodshed. The "Armed proletarian movement” in fact launched clear threats to various exponents of Italian politics and information: it is the evident manifestation of anger towards the new measures, which will be trust the House today. Threatening letters were sent to Mario Monti, Elsa Fornero, Silvio Berlusconi, Pier Ferdinando Casini and Pier Luigi Bersani, containing bullets and clear words of threat. “We will make everyone pay for it – writes the Proletarian Armed Movement in the flyer attached to the letters -. We will strike you and it will be a war to the death. You no longer have to sleep peacefully. There is no shortage of lead and now TNT is also arriving from our Arab friends”.

The envelopes addressed to the director of Corriere della Sera, Ferruccio De Bortoli, to Ezio Mauro, director of La Repubblica, to that of Libero, Maurizio Belpietro, of La Padania, Leonardo Boriano and of Il Tempo, Mario Sechi.

In total they are therefore 10 envelopes that the Italian Postal Processing Center in Lamezia Terme managed to intercept yesterday evening. 
