
Assoliquidi: there are 3.814 LPG distributors in Italy

There were 3.814 LPG distributors in Italy as at 30 April 2016, an increase compared to 3.767 as at 31 December 2015 (in turn increased by 6% compared to 3.562 as at 31 December 2014). About 35.000 LPG points of sale in Europe.

Assoliquidi: there are 3.814 LPG distributors in Italy

LPG for motor vehicles is confirmed as a convenient, flexible, ecological and safe source.

These are the data object of the presentation of the OPEL KARL GPL Tech, in which Assogasliquidi took part which welcomed this new LPG model which joins the more than 50 already on the market.

There were 3.814 LPG distributors in Italy as at 30 April 2016, an increase compared to 3.767 as at 31 December 2015 (in turn increased by 6% compared to 3.562 as at 31 December 2014). About 35.000 LPG points of sale in Europe.

These are the data, the subject of the presentation, which took place today in Rome, of the new OPEL KARL GPL Tech, the smallest car in the range, now also available in the LPG version.

The event saw the participation of Assogasliquidi, the Federchimica Association which represents, at a national and international level, companies in the liquefied gas distribution sector (LPG and LNG) for combustion and automotive use.

In addition to those of an environmental nature due to the lower polluting emissions compared to conventional fuels, the advantages linked to the use of LPG for motor vehicles are also of an economic nature, just think that in 2015 the ratio between the price of LPG compared to that of petrol and diesel reached their lowest level since 2008 (0,40 LPG/petrol and 0,44 LPG/diesel).

LPG also allows great versatility of use, since it can be used for road transport (cars and trucks), for inland navigation and for maritime transport. Furthermore, the development of bio-LPG, obtained from biomass sources, as an economically viable technology is expected in the medium-long term.

Finally, security. LPG vehicles are extremely safe: all components of the fuel system are in fact subjected to very strict homologation tests, according to international regulations (Regulation ECE/ONU n.67/01). In particular, the tank with all its valves and accessories is subjected to a fire test, valid in the case of non-explosion and if all the parameters detected during the test show a high safety margin.

“Today's initiative confirms the goodness of LPG as an energy source, in terms of price, emissions, flexibility, availability and even safety; just as the gradually growing interest of the major car manufacturers in the development of technologies capable of making the most of it is positive – commented the President of Assogasliquidi, Francesco Franchi -. It would therefore be desirable, on the part of the institutions, to envisage a stronger intervention in favor of these cars, also in the light of the latest environmental emergencies we have experienced, and consequently to protect the quality of the air and our health".
