
Administrative: in Siena and Brescia we are heading towards the ballot

ADMINISTRATIVE ELECTIONS - Even in Siena and Brescia the turnout is collapsing, confirming the widespread disaffection towards politics - In the city of the Palio, overwhelmed by the Mps scandal, possible run-off between Bruno Valentini (centre-left) and Eugenio Neri (centre-right) - In Brescia the second round between Paroli and Del Bono is almost certain – the grillini are bad

Administrative: in Siena and Brescia we are heading towards the ballot

In addition to Rome, in this electoral round characterized by high abstention and strong disaffection, among the 16 provincial capitals called to the polls, the most important Siena and Brescia.

A Siena there were just over 30 voters, for a percentage of 68,40% of eligible voters. The aftermath of the Montepaschi scandal that engulfed the city certainly made itself felt: in the absence (for now) of real data, there is already talk of a possible ballot, which would be a huge surprise compared to the history of the city of the Palio, ancient fiefdom of the left.

A clash, in the eventual second round would be Bruno Valentini, center-left candidate who marks a certain break with the former mayor Ceccuzzi, ed Eugene Neri, surgeon backed by a broad array that includes Pdl, FdI and two civic lists. The Michele Pinassi grill is detached.

Also to Brescia voter turnout plummeted, settling at 65,5% against 84,9% in the last electoral round. In the Lombard capital, scene of harsh protests against Berlusconi during a PDL rally, the first real data are available. Also in this case the ballot seems obvious: the outgoing mayor Adriano Paroli, centre-right candidate, leads with 38,07% of the preference, followed by Emilio Del Bono (PD and civic lists) with 37,15%. Behind them, grillina Laura Gamba, at 7,63%.
