
Alitalia: Lupi, I will conclude work with Etihad within this week

The conclusion of the operation carried out by the Alitalia-Etihad alliance is expected within a few days – stated the Minister of Transport, Maurizio Lupi, in a hearing in the Transport Committee of the Chamber.

Alitalia: Lupi, I will conclude work with Etihad within this week

“I think that the conclusion of the work that has been done in recent months between the two parties will come this week and I am quite convinced that this will be a great opportunity”. This was stated by the Minister of Transport, Maurizio Lupi, speaking of the Alitalia-Etihad affair in a hearing in the Transport Committee of the Chamber.

At the end of the meeting on 31 March with mayor Pisapia and the president of Sea Modiano, the minister had reaffirmed his confidence in the operation: "I continue to be optimistic - he stated - because I believe that this type of alliance between Etihad and Alitalia can only be good for the relaunch and strengthening of a national airline that can play its role in market competition and the reaffirmation that Italy is not a deindustrialized country, it is not a regional hub, but it will play an important role".

Expected within a few days the arrival of a draft of an industrial plan in which Etihad is asking the Italian management for a reduction in personnel and a reduction in debt from the creditor banks.
