
Air strike: stop from 10 to 14. Alitalia cancels 113 flights

The unions confirm the mobilization for the workers of all the companies - The professional acronyms for Alitalia pilots and assistants postponed to 6 September, but it is not enough to avoid inconvenience - The company launches an "extraordinary plan" to "rebook" passengers

Air strike: stop from 10 to 14. Alitalia cancels 113 flights

“We confirm for Friday 26 July the 4-hour strike in air transport which will affect pilots, flight attendants and maintenance technicians and ground staff of Alitalia and other airlines, handling, catering and airport management workers exclusion of Enav's air traffic controllers, from 10 to 14, with presence at Fiumicino starting from the beginning of the strike”. The trade unions Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl and Uiltrasporti wrote it in a note.

As for the strike by Alitalia pilots and flight attendants proclaimed by the professional acronyms Anpac, Anpav and Anp, it was postponed from Friday 26 July to 6 September and will last 24 hours. The decision came after the invitation of the Guarantor of strikes and the Ordinance of the Ministry of Transport, which on Tuesday had already reduced the abstention to four hours, from 24 called by the unions.

However, the announcement of this postponement came too late and will not be able to avoid inconvenience for thousands of users. Alitalia had in fact already canceled 113 flights (here the list). However, the company has also activated an extraordinary plan that "provides for the use of more capacious aircraft on domestic and international routes" to rebook the travelers involved: "60% of passengers are expected to be able to travel on the same day as July 26" Alitalia explains.

But what are the reasons for the strike? Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti ask for greater regulation of competition, more transparency in the provision of contributions to carriers and companies, specific rules against contractual and wage dumping that harms workers, the start of negotiations for the renewal of the expired national contract and structural financing from the sector's Solidarity Fund.

“Although the Transport Minister's willingness to start a discussion table that we have been asking for for many months, came late – concludes the union note – the results will have to be verified in fact starting from the first meetings already set for the month of September. In fact, without results and concrete answers, our mobilization will continue without hesitation".
