
Usa: the economy slows down, GDP +2,6% in the fourth quarter

In the fourth quarter of 2014, the US GDP showed growth of 2,6%, slowing down compared to the +5% of the third quarter – The cost of labor increased by 0,6% in the last three months of the year.

Usa: the economy slows down, GDP +2,6% in the fourth quarter

The growth of the US economy slows down. In the fourth quarter, the US domestic product showed an increase of 2,6%, after the +5% recorded in the third quarter. The figure was lower than the expectations of analysts, who predicted GDP growth of 3,2%. 

Again in the fourth quarter, labor costs grew in the United States, which rose by 0,6% in the period considered. This was announced by the Labor Department, thus confirming analysts' expectations, after +0,7% in the second and third quarters. On an annual basis, ie compared to the fourth quarter of 2013, labor costs rose by 2,2%, in line with the third quarter figure.

Wages, which represent about 70% of labor costs, increased by 0,5% in the October-December period, while benefits increased by 0,6%.
