
Sustainability, Poste Italiane brings together 400 stakeholders

The group has organized the third Multistakeholder Forum, an opportunity for discussion to develop a shared strategy that focuses on social and environmental sustainability - Del Fante: "Sustainability is an integral part of the business plan"

Sustainability, Poste Italiane brings together 400 stakeholders

La environmental and social sustainability at the heart of corporate growth and investment strategies. Starting from this assumption, Poste Italiane gathered today in Rome 400 representatives of the financial world, rating agencies, trade unions and the business world as part of the third Multistakeholder Forum

A day of dialogue aimed at sharing ideas and projects in the areas identified by the six "pillars" of sustainability (integrity and transparency, valorisation of people, support for the territory, customer experience, decarbonisation and sustainable finance) which inspire the work of Poste Italiane, also in view of the preparation of the next integrated budget

The group illustrated the strategy defined in the framework of the Deliver 2022 business plan which integrates financial and operational objectives with environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, thus offering an operational and cultural reference in the field of responsible investment and asking stakeholders to share their experiences in order to create an operational synthesis capable of providing an address to set up a shared route. 

Opening the proceedings, the CEO of Poste Italiane, Matthew Del Fante, underlined that for Poste Italiane “being sustainable means acting responsibly. We no longer intend to consider sustainability as a separate chapter within the Business Plan, but to make it an integral and indissoluble part of it. We therefore want to go beyond the concept of sustainability as a "noble part" of acting for the company: in our opinion, being sustainable can only mean conducting business by following rules, paths and principles shared with stakeholders, especially for a company like Poste Italiane , which by its nature and characteristics is at the service of citizens, businesses and the public administration. Ultimately, sustainability is the Business Plan, ESG issues are an integral part of the objectives of the Deliver 2022 Plan, with particular focus on the principles defined by the United Nations for Agenda 2030, better known as Sustainable Development Goals". 

Joseph Lasco, Deputy General Manager and Head of Corporate Affairs of Poste Italiane, illustrated the characteristics of the "Poste model" in terms of sustainability which "starts from the contents that guide our way of being a company: integrity and transparency, valorisation of people, support for territory, customer experience, decarbonisation and sustainable finance are our pillars which we share and update every year according to the opinions and priorities of our stakeholders. Achieving a good reputation is the consequence of a solid action on sustainability, and consolidating it over time makes the company stronger on the market, generates value for shareholders, customers and employees and favors a transparent and equal relationship with all those who live , work, use the services of Poste Italiane every day”. 
