
Professionals and businesses: sustainability is not a luxury

The European Association of Professionals and Businesses (Aepi) explains - in a conference at the Chamber - how to focus on the sustainability of corporate governance

Professionals and businesses: sustainability is not a luxury

The commitment to sustainable models not only on an economic-financial level but also on a social and environmental level is an objective that can no longer be postponed. This is supported by the Aepi Confederation (European Association of Professionals and Businesses), which has among its priorities the carrying out of a capillary campaign of awareness and accompaniment towards these issues. This was discussed during the conference entitled "Sustainability in corporate governance", which was held on 11 April in the Sala del Cenacolo in the Chamber of Deputies.

“The 2030 Agenda was born as a reference strategy to create a necessary model of sustainable development and on this front, a broad-spectrum commitment aimed at growth, development and social inclusion is increasingly necessary; and businesses and professionals must strengthen their commitment in this direction - reads the Aepi press release - Therefore, making best practices known, using the power of testimonials and networking among stakeholders, who for various reasons are moving in the same direction, these are the first activities of a multi-year program in favor of SMEs and professionals. We are facing a paradigm shift, in which the digital transition also plays a central role, and which pushes companies to transform their dynamics towards sustainable models not only on an economic-financial level but also on a social and environmental level".

At the end of the meeting, an inter-confederal agreement was signed between Aepi and six trade unions (Confintesa, Consil, Cse, Failc.Conf.Ail, FlaiTs, Uic).

“We are putting together a new model to protect workers and the company – explained the President of Aepi Mino Dinoi – Our goal is to create a single body with its own identity in respect of equal dignity. The time has come for the intermediate bodies to start talking and being listened to". According to Fabio Massimo Castaldo, MEP of the Movimento 5 Stelle and Vice-President of the European Parliament, "Aepi is not a simple association, but a confederation that represents a positive example of how small businesses can come out of isolation and aggregate around a common program to loudly express the collective requests before the institutions at national and European level".
