
New helmsman for Ubs Italia, Fabio Innocenzi appointed to

The manager will take the place of Ferruccio Ferri starting from November XNUMXst, who in any case remains on the Group's board of directors.

New helmsman for Ubs Italia, Fabio Innocenzi appointed to

Change at the top for UBS Italia, which today announced the appointment of the new CEO Fabio Innocenzi. The manager will take the lead starting November XNUMXst. His predecessor, Ferruccio Ferri, remains with the Group and assumes a senior management position, member of the Board of Directors of Ubs Italia SpA and Chairman of Ubs Fiduciaria.

In Intesa SanPaolo since 2009, Innocenzi has held the role of manager for the Group's North-East banks and general manager of the Cassa di Risparmio del Veneto until today. From 2002 to 2008 he was managing director of Banco Popolare and member of the ABI Executive Committee.
